open-psa / mef

The Open-PSA Model Exchange Format
5 stars 7 forks source link
eta event-tree fault-tree fta pra psa reliability-engineering risk-analysis standard

################################## The Open-PSA Model Exchange Format ##################################

.. image:: :target: .. image:: :target:


This repository hosts source text files for the Open-PSA Model Exchange Format.


Note that no dependency is required to edit the text source of the standard; a basic text editor suffices to work with the source files. All building is done automatically on Travis-CI upon your pull request to verify successful generations in various target formats.

A list of dependencies:

==================== =============== Package Minimum Version ==================== =============== Python 2.7 or 3.4 Sphinx 1.5.1 sphinx_rtd_theme 0.1.10 Pygments 2.2 LaTeX Inkscape git zip ==================== ===============

To install all the dependencies with apt and pip (assuming already installed Python and git):

.. code-block:: bash

sudo apt-get install texlive{,-{fonts-recommended,latex-extra,xetex}} inkscape
sudo pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme

To generate a PDF document:

.. code-block:: bash

make latexpdf

To generate HTML files (the website at the gh-pages branch):

.. code-block:: bash

make html

reST Style

.. _Semantic Linefeeds:

Reference Naming Conventions

Prepend a reference name with the type of the object (a la the Hungarian notation) for clarity and consistency of in-text references. If there's no prefix in a reference, the target is assumed to be the specification or section itself.

For example, an image (figure), table, XML description, RNC schema of the fault tree specification:

.. code-block:: rst

.. figure:: images/fault_tree.svg
    :name: fig_fault_tree

    Fault tree diagram

.. table:: The fault tree specification
    :name: table_fault_tree

    | Fault | Tree |

.. code-block:: rnc
    :name: schema_fault_tree

    fault_tree = graph

.. code-block:: xml
    :name: xml_fault_tree


To reference the fault tree specification itself:

.. code-block:: rst

.. _fault_tree:

Fault Tree

The fault tree specification, description, text, ...

Helpful Resources


. Start by forking this repository and setting it as the upstream repository.

. Create your topic branch from the master branch.

. Keep in sync your origin master branch with the upstream master branch.

. Keep your topic branch in sync with the master branch

by merging or rebasing your topic branch on top of the master. Rebasing is highly recommended for streamlining the history. However, DO NOT rebase any commits that have been pulled/pushed anywhere else other than your own fork.

. Submit your pull request_ from your topic branch to the upstream master branch.

. Your pull request will be reviewed by another editor before merging.

.. _pull request:

Git Resources and Best Practices