open-rmf / rmf-web

Apache License 2.0
83 stars 39 forks source link

Nightly Dashboard End-to-End react-components dashboard api-server ros-translator api-client codecov


Open-RMF Web is a collection of packages that provide a web-based interface for users to visualize and control all aspects of Open-RMF deployments.

Quick start with docker

These docker images are useful when trying out rmf_demos.

Start the dashboard with host network access, RMF_SERVER_URL and TRAJECTORY_SERVER_URL configured accordingly. The dashboard will then accessible on localhost:3000 by default.

docker run \
  --network host -it --rm \
  -e RMF_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:8000 \
  -e TRAJECTORY_SERVER_URL=ws://localhost:8006 \

Note The values provided for RMF_SERVER_URL and TRAJECTORY_SERVER_URL are default values when running the API server and rmf_demos, and can be modified to suit different setups.

Start the API server with host network access, and set up the correct ROS_DOMAIN_ID and ROS 2 RMW implementation that will be used in the rest of the Open-RMF system. The API server will use the default port at localhost:8000.

docker run \
  --network host -it --rm \

Note Users can also configure the API server using a mounted configuration file and setting the environment variable RMF_API_SERVER_CONFIG. In the default scenario, the API server will use an internal non-persistent database.

Getting started from source


We currently support Ubuntu 24.04, ROS 2 Jazzy and Open-RMF's 22.09 release. Other distributions may work as well, but is not guaranteed.

Install pnpm and nodejs

curl -fsSL | bash -
pnpm env use --global lts

For Debian/Ubuntu systems,

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv

Installing Open-RMF

Refer to the following documentation for either building from source or installing released binaries:

Note Simulation demos are not part of the released binaries, and therefore a built workspace with at least the demos repository would be required for trying out the web dashboard with simulation.

Install dependencies


pnpm install

You may also install dependencies for only a subset of the packages

pnpm install -w --filter <package>...

Launching for development

Source Open-RMF and launch the dashboard in development mode,

# For binary installation
source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash

# For source build
source /path/to/workspace/install/setup.bash

cd packages/dashboard
pnpm start

This starts up the API server (by default at port 8000) which sets up endpoints to communicate with an Open-RMF deployment, as well as begin compilation of the dashboard. Once completed, it can be viewed at localhost:3000.

If presented with a login screen, use user=admin password=admin.

Ensure that the fleet adapters in the Open-RMF deployment is configured to use the endpoints of the API server. By default it is http://localhost:8000/_internal. Launching a simulation from rmf_demos_gz for example, the command would be,

ros2 launch rmf_demos_gz office.launch.xml server_uri:="http://localhost:8000/_internal"

Launching for development separately

When developing individual components, it may be useful to start the dashboard and api-server separately,

# Start the dashboard in dev, this monitors for changes in the dashboard package and performs rebuilds. A browser refresh is required after all automated builds.
cd packages/dashboard
pnpm run start:react

# Start the API server, this will need to be restarted for any changes to be reflected
cd packages/api-server
pnpm run start

Optimized build

The dashboard can also be built statically for better performance.

cd packages/dashboard
pnpm run build

# Once completed
npm install -g serve
serve -s build

This only serves the frontend, the API server can be started manually to work with an Open-RMF deployment on another terminal instance,

# source Open-RMF before proceeding
cd packages/api-server
pnpm run start

Contribution guide

