open-services-group / scrum

SCRUM issues and user stories
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Open Services Group SCRUM

This repository contains information on how we implement SCRUM and holds issues for sprints. Sprints are planned in the SCRUM BOARD


  1. check the stakeholder backlog for assigned issues and prioritize completing them
  2. keep your assigned issues in the other columns updated
  3. once done, move it to the Done column - don't do it just prior to the meeting
  4. come prepared to the sprint meeting

Asynchronous work

This work happens all the time and not during the sprint planning meeting.

Stakeholder Backlog

  1. all unassigned issues are reviewed by the product owner
  2. all assigned issues have to be completed by the assignee and unassigned once ready for review

This loop continues until the product owner moves it into the product backlog.

Product Backlog

Issues in the product backlog are good to move to Sprint Backlog during the Sprint planning. They are not assigned to any person.

Sprint planning / review meeting

Prior to the meeting

Go through all the issues in the Done column and +1 or -1 any issue.

During the meeting

  1. issues in the Done column with a -1 are discussed and all other issues are closed out
  2. issues in the Product Backlog are assigned and moved to the Sprint Backlog

Product Owner

@goern and @durandom are product owners

Further reading

The Thoth team practiced SCRUM and maintains their Terms and Conditions, which we can build upon.