open-spaced-repetition / fsrs-optimizer

FSRS Optimizer Package
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
67 stars 14 forks source link
deep-learning fsrs spaced-repetition spaced-repetition-algorithm

FSRS Optimizer

PyPi Code style: black

The FSRS Optimizer is a Python library capable of utilizing personal spaced repetition review logs to refine the FSRS algorithm. Designed with the intent of delivering a standardized, universal optimizer to various FSRS implementations across numerous programming languages, this tool is set to establish a ubiquitous standard for spaced repetition review logs. By facilitating the uniformity of learning data among different spaced repetition softwares, it guarantees learners consistent review schedules across a multitude of platforms.

Delve into the underlying principles of the FSRS Optimizer's training process at:

Explore the mathematical formula of the FSRS model at:

Review Logs Schema

The review_logs table captures the review activities performed by users. Each log records the details of a single review instance. The schema for this table is as follows:

Column Name Data Type Description Constraints
card_id integer or string The unique identifier of the flashcard being reviewed Not null
review_time timestamp in miliseconds The exact moment when the review took place Not null
review_rating integer The user's rating for the review. This rating is subjective and depends on how well the user believes they remembered the information on the card Not null, Values: {1 (Again), 2 (Hard), 3 (Good), 4 (Easy)}
review_state integer The state of the card at the time of review. This describes the learning phase of the card Optional, Values: {0 (New), 1 (Learning), 2 (Review), 3 (Relearning)}
review_duration integer The time spent on reviewing the card, typically in miliseconds Optional, Non-negative

Extra Info:


Please ensure your data conforms to this schema for optimal compatibility with the optimization process.

Optimize FSRS with your review logs


Install the package with the command:

python -m pip install fsrs-optimizer

You should upgrade regularly to make sure you have the most recent version of FSRS-Optimizer:

python -m pip install fsrs-optimizer --upgrade


If you have a file named revlog.csv with the above schema, you can run:

python -m fsrs_optimizer "revlog.csv"

Expected Functionality




Are you getting tired of installing torch? Try fsrs-rs-python!