open-truss / open-truss

MIT License
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Open Truss

Empowering people closest to problems with tools to solve them, building on the work of others through transparency and sharing.

Vision for Open Truss

Open Truss is a framework designed to minimize the time and technical ability required to build internal tools. Developers build display components and integrate Open Truss with datasources. Users build tools by selecting display components and combining them with queries to fetch / send data (e.g. sql, rest); all with no code changes or deploys. This empowers users with a platform to rapidly develop what they need to solve problems.

Problems Open Truss endeavors to solve

Despite being necessary to the success of organizations, internal tool systems often receive under investment resulting in:

Guiding Principles

The Open Truss project is built by people with years of experience developing internal tools. We believe the following guiding principles are essential to successful internal systems. These principles are encoded in the Open Truss framework and design philosophy:
