openAVproductions / openAV-Luppp

Luppp is a live performance tool, created by OpenAV productions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Auto Stop Recording #201

Closed vale981 closed 6 years ago

vale981 commented 6 years ago

This little hack uses the beats menu in the context menu to set the maximum beats to record (Rounded up to bars).

If no beat number is set, record works as usual. The beat number is reset upon track reset. Cheers.

harryhaaren commented 6 years ago

Hi @vale981,

This looks like a cool new feature! I like the idea, and I'd welcome the changes in general, but as you mention there is currently a "hacky" part in that we're re-using the "setBeats()" functionality...

Do you think we should add a new item in the context menu for "Rec Beats" or similar? Or do you feel the current functionality is usable enough in its current form?

Cheers, -H

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Well. It is not very intuitive, but UI savvy :).

I would add a new menu with bars not beats.

On 25 March 2018 21:23:27 CEST, Harry van Haaren wrote:

Hi @vale981,

This looks like a cool new feature! I like the idea, and I'd welcome the changes in general, but as you mention there is currently a "hacky" part in that we're re-using the "setBeats()" functionality...

Do you think we should add a new item in the context menu for "Rec Beats" or similar? Or do you feel the current functionality is usable enough in its current form?

Cheers, -H

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vale981 commented 6 years ago

P.S.: maybe we could implement one shot clips.

On 25 March 2018 21:23:27 CEST, Harry van Haaren wrote:

Hi @vale981,

This looks like a cool new feature! I like the idea, and I'd welcome the changes in general, but as you mention there is currently a "hacky" part in that we're re-using the "setBeats()" functionality...

Do you think we should add a new item in the context menu for "Rec Beats" or similar? Or do you feel the current functionality is usable enough in its current form?

Cheers, -H

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harryhaaren commented 6 years ago

OK cool, then wait for a few more commits that add the GUI elements to the context menu, and a new "EventType" message for LOOPER_REC_BEATS, which triggers the actual update to the looper clip class.

If you have questions or anything, just ask away here!

harryhaaren commented 6 years ago

Re One Shot clips - sure that sounds cool too - but lets finish one PR, and get that merged. Mixing multiple features in one PR isn't a good idea :)

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

I opened a new issue for one shot clips so you can concentrate here on auto record stop. #204

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Shall i use callbacks for the right click menu, or that strcmp magic?

vale981 commented 6 years ago

I am using callbacks. BTW. All those events could be created very nicely with templates.

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

@vale981 when i click on custom and close the dialog without typing anything, luppp crashes. shell says: memory access error

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

Next time it would be much easier to use another branch than "master" for this, its kind of complicated to switch. or am maybe i am missing something. EDIT: simply pulled it into another local branch, but maybe a good idea anyway ;)

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

fix works for me.

vale981 commented 6 years ago


vale981 commented 6 years ago

I'd like to give the ClipState in the ui a pointer to the actual looperclip. So you can display how many beats a clip has.

Is that ok to do and how would you do it. Call the logic directly from jack or through an event?

vale981 commented 6 years ago

I prefer this methoder over handling the setbarstorecord event to change gui, because it is now easier to get clip info in the gui.

But! It may not fit into the design structure.

harryhaaren commented 6 years ago

Hey @vale981, interesting approach... but not a good design choice in the Luppp context.

The core of Luppp is entirely split - the DSP code, and the UI code never access the same data. This allows (or enforces I suppose) the code to be lock-free, and real-time safe all the time.

What would happen if we de-allocate or re-allocate an instance? The pointer will be invalid - possibly for a short amount of time, but also possibly could cause a segfault. I'm aware that such a strong split between UI and DSP might seem overkill, but it does scale well.

The message passing approach with the Event struct that Luppp uses throughout enables transfer of information between the two halves.

As such, I think the best approach is to add an Event struct type, and use that to signal the info back to the UI.

Hope this makes sense - any questions just let me know! -Harry

vale981 commented 6 years ago

It does! I'll look into it.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

I clearly see the advantage of this event driven approach for the means of realtime safety in the DSP code. Certainly this code has some rough edges. But it is the first step in the right direction (so i hope).

By the way. If a sample is loaded, the name is set directly (no gui event).


vale981 commented 6 years ago

Yes! I did change the indentation format on my main machine, but forgot to do so on my laptop. It displays tabs and [4 Spaces] as exactly the same indent-level, so I didn't realize it.

Gonna fix that up.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

We can run clang-format over it. But that would be another pull request.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

This PR would fix #101.

harryhaaren commented 6 years ago

Re clang-format: yes great idea. I'd love to have a consistent method to keep the source clean. Do you have experience with setting up clang-format? A git commit hook to automatically fix it would be awesome :)

Yes noted that #101 will close on merging of this. Do you have any outstanding work todo on this PR, or it is ready for merge in your opinion?

Cheers, -H

vale981 commented 6 years ago

I deem it ready.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

But maybe sth. Comes to my mind.

harryhaaren commented 6 years ago

@vale981, I'll have a review now and if it looks good clicky on the merge button :)

[OT] Side note, I don't know if you use # IRC, but there's an #openav channel on where I hang out if i'm coding OpenAV stuff :)

vale981 commented 6 years ago

So here we have it. Now it shows beats/bars.

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

I tested it. In general it works fine, its a great feature. Thank you for this!

Just some ideas from me, but i would be also happy it this could be merged as it is.

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

@vale981 will there be any further progress or do you think its ready? i could mark this as please merge, if you are done.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Sorry I was away for a bit. I'll check in soon.

On 5 April 2018 10:29:42 CEST, Georg Krause wrote:

@vale981 will there be any further progress or do you think its ready? i could mark this as please merge, if you are done.

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georgkrause commented 6 years ago

dont feel pressure, just wanted to ask ;)

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Default clip length would be inflexible. There is no good way of coping with this in the current single bar mode.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Having a Giada like sequencer would be a treat.

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

there might be an missunderstanding. i dont want to fix the length, just change the default length. currently its set to endless, which in fact isnt really length, but an setting for the record length. it would be nice to define a default, eg 8. you can manually stop the recording before anyway, right? So its like an maximum record length for the hole session.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Yes but one may want to record longer.... I would feel very uncomfortable if i could jam along indefinitely.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

on smaller displays the text gets chopped off / overlaps with the title.

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

Yes but one may want to record longer.... I would feel very uncomfortable if i could jam along indefinitely.

I dont want to prevent this, you could always change it to endless for each clip again. i just think it would be nice to be able to change the state which all clips have at the beginning.

on smaller displays the text gets chopped off / overlaps with the title.

Currently if you make the window smaller the text jumps out of the clip. Two ideas:

Maybe we should move this display-thing to another commit since we need to think about again and maybe also add an setting to make it optionally. This way we could merge this one already.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Fixed it by trimming the text.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

So. It is now color coded and the text trim is senistive to the beats/bars indicator.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

So, I think it is good to merge :).

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

did a fix test, looks better but maybe we find a way to put the center of the numbers exactly over each other. and only the first track scene one is colored, others are white.

Sorry for complaining again and again, if you dont want to fix it i could do it in some days.

Thank you very much for the work, i really like the feature!

vale981 commented 6 years ago

They are colored if there are 'beatsToRecord'. This is the same on all tracks.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

The numbers are aligned to the right. Center alignment is harder and doesn't do much good.

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

ah, thanks for explaining the coloring. maybe choosing a color which is already part of luppp? maybe the red or blue from the buttons?

eg 1 over 4 simply looks sloping.

Anyway, since you are the author, if you tell its ready, i mark it as please merge and we will see what Harry say. Again: thanks a lot.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Got ya! Fixed that. There is another thingy that I am trying to get at though.

(Endless is always marked...)

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Yes, Choosing another color would be better!

harryhaaren commented 6 years ago

@vale981 - please look into your editor white-space settings. There are mixed tabs/spaces and trailing whitespaces in the current code.

In general, most of the code itself is fine - I'll post a few review comments now.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Please do not merge. There is a bug that i am trying to iron out.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Here we go! All good now.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

Something actually undid the major feature ^^.

vale981 commented 6 years ago

I can squash some commits if you want it more compact.

georgkrause commented 6 years ago

Something actually undid the major feature ^^.

@vale981 what do you mean?