= specifications-ITS-JSON
JSON schemas for use with openEHR systems and tools. See https://specifications.openehr.org/release_baseline[release baseline] of current specifications.
Schema format is based on https://json-schema.org/specification.html[draft-07 of JSON-Schema specifications].
== Releases and IM Versions
NOTE: These schemas are in DEVELOPMENT state and subject to change.
The repository is structured as follows:
== Structure
Schemas are organized in directories considering openEHR components (e.g. AM
, RM
, etc.), release name and package (e.g. /components/RM/Release-1.1.0/Data_Structures
). Each directory contains several json schema files named as [type].json
, while packages contains also a main.json
file. On the component level there is also few files containing all types of that package, i.e. openehr_rm_1.1.0_all.json
== Known issues
The followings are some known issues of openEHR JSON-Schema. These will be addressed in the near future and will cause the schemas to be changed before it reaches maturity.
A longer discussion on this subject can be found at https://discourse.openehr.org/t/json-schema-and-openapi-current-state-and-how-to-progress/1385[openEHR forum].
=== Available components, packages and versions
There is only one BASE version currently available, Release-1.1.0. The BASE Release-1.0.0 is also possible to generate, but there is no BASE Release-1.2.0 BMM file available to generate the JSON schema from.
=== Design choices
=== OpenAPI
There is currently an experiment (demo) of this https://github.com/nedap/openehr-openapi[on a project to show how OpenAPI can work with openEHR].
== Acknowledgements
The initial JSON schema was authored by https://www.code24.nl[Code24], generated from openEHR UMLs. The current version is generated from openEHR BMM files with https://github.com/openEHR/archie[Archie] by https://nedap-healthcare.com[Nedap].