openMF / mobile-wallet

A reference implementation of Mifos platform wallet and payment capabilities
232 stars 441 forks source link
android fineract hacktoberfest wallet

Mobile Wallet

Mobile Wallet is an Android-based framework for mobile wallets based on top of Fineract. The app follows clean architecture and contains a core library module that can be used as a dependency in any other wallet based project. It is developed at MIFOS together with a global community.

Run the project

Screenshot 2024-10-19 005524

KMP Status for modules

Module Progress Desktop supported Android supported iOS supported Web supported(JS) Web supported(WASM-JS)
mifospay-android Done
mifospay-desktop Done
mifospay-web Done
mifospay-ios NO OP
:core:analytics Done ✔️
:core:common Done
:core:data Done
:core:datastore Done
:core:datastore-proto Done
:core:designsystem Done
:core:domain Done
:core:model Done
:core:network Done
:core:ui Done
:feature:auth Done
:feature:editpassword Done
:feature:faq Done
:feature:history Done
:feature:home Done
:feature:profile Done
:feature:settings Done
:feature:payments Done
:feature:finance Done
:feature:account Done
:feature:invoices Done
:feature:kyc Done
:feature:make-transfer Done
:feature:merchants Done
:feature:notification Done
:feature:qr Done
:feature:receipt Done
:feature:request-money Done
:feature:saved-cards Done
:feature:send-money Done
:feature:standing-instruction Done
:feature:upi-setup Done

✅: Functioning properly
❔: Not yet tested, but expected to work
✔️: Successfully compiled
❌: Not functioning, requires further attention


:warning: We are fully committed to implement Jetpack Compose and moving ourself to support kotlin multi-platform. If you are sending any PR regarding XML changes we will not consider at this moment but converting XML to jetpack compose are most welcome. If you sending any PR regarding logical changes in Activity/Fragment you are most welcome.

Development Chat
Mobile-Wallet CI[Master/Dev] Join the chat at

Join Us on Slack

Mifos boasts an active and vibrant contributor community, Please join us on slack. Once you've joined the mifos slack community, please join the #mobile-wallet channel to engage with mobile-wallet development. If you encounter any difficulties joining our Slack channel, please don't hesitate to open an issue. This will allow us to assist you promptly or send you an invitation.

How to Contribute

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Mobile Wallet project by Mifos! We welcome all contributions and encourage you to follow these guidelines to ensure a smooth and efficient collaboration process.

The issues should be raised via the GitHub issue tracker. For Issue tracker guidelines please click here. All fixes should be proposed via pull requests. For pull request guidelines please click here. For commit style guidelines please click here.

Branch Policy

We have the following branches :

Demo credentials

Fineract Instance:

Username: venus

Password: Venus2023#

Development Setup

Before you begin, you should have already downloaded the Android Studio SDK and set it up correctly. You can find a guide on how to do this here: Setting up Android Studio.

  1. Fork the Git Repository

    Forking the repository is the first step to start contributing. Click on the "Fork" button in the top right corner of the Mobile Wallet (Mifos Pay) repository to create your own fork.


    Forking creates a copy of the project under your GitHub account. This enables you to work on changes without affecting the original repository directly.

  2. Clone the Forked Repository

    Once you have forked the repository, you need to clone it to your local development environment. Open a terminal or Git Bash and use the following command:

    git clone

    Replace yourUsername with your actual GitHub username. Cloning creates a local copy of the repository on your machine, allowing you to make changes and contributions.

  3. Working Locally on Your Cloned Repository

    After cloning, navigate to the project directory using the terminal or Git Bash.

    Before making any changes, create a new branch dedicated to the feature or bug fix you'll be working on:

    git checkout -b "new-branch-name"

    Ensure that new-branch-name reflects the purpose of your changes (e.g., add-payment-feature or fix-bug-123).

    Make the necessary changes to the files to address the issue you're working on. Once you're done, you will be ready to proceed with verifying and committing your changes.

  4. Perform a Gradle Check

All your pull requests must pass the CI build only then, it will be allowed to merge. Sometimes, when the build doesn't pass you can use these commands in your local terminal and check for the errors,

We've commited to use Material3 design in our project. And added lint check for not to use any M2 libraries in our project.
And when adding new library, please make sure to follow the naming convention and place in sequential order(A->Z).

In MacOS, Windows or Linux, you should run the following commands before opening a PR, and make sure to pass all the commands:

In order to enhance our development process, we have implemented Git hooks in our project. To install these hooks locally, simply run the command ./gradlew installGitHooks. This will ensure that the Git hooks are installed on your local machine.

Or Run the or ci-prebuild.bat script to run all the above commands in one go.

Committing Your Changes

When you've finished making your changes and have tested them locally, it's time to commit your work:

  1. Stage Changes

    Use the following command to stage all changes:

    git add .

    This adds all modified and new files to the staging area, preparing them for the commit.

  2. Commit Changes

    Commit your changes with a meaningful commit message that describes the purpose of your changes:

    git commit -m "Your commit message goes here"

    A good commit message is concise and provides enough context about the changes made. Mifos follows its own commit style guidelines that you must follow. Learn more about it here.

  3. Push Changes

    Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub:

    git push origin new-branch-name

    Replace new-branch-name with the name of the branch you created earlier.

Making a Pull Request

Once your changes are pushed to your forked repository, you can initiate a pull request to merge your changes into the main project:

  1. Navigate to the Mobile Wallet (Mifos Pay) repository on GitHub.
  2. Click on the "Pull Requests" tab and then click "New Pull Request."


  1. Ensure the base repository is set to "openMF/mobile-wallet" and the base branch is the main development branch dev.
  2. Set the compare repository to your forked repository and the compare branch to the branch you just created with your changes (e.g., in my case, the head repository was set to “rchtgpt/mobile-wallet” and the comparison branch was kotlin-migration-common.
  3. Fill out the pull request template, providing a clear description of your changes, why they are necessary, and any relevant information for the reviewers.
  4. Click "Create Pull Request" to submit your changes for review.

Squashing Your Commits

It is common for pull requests to undergo multiple rounds of review before being merged. To keep the Git history clean and organized, you should always squash your commits before finalizing the merge. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Squash your commits:

    git rebase -i HEAD~x

    Replace x with the number of commits you want to squash. An interactive rebase will open, allowing you to choose how to combine the commits. Change pick to squash (or simply s) for all but the topmost commit. Save and exit the editor.

  2. Amend the commit message if needed.

    git commit --amend
  3. Force push the changes to your forked repository:

    git push --force origin your-branch-name

    Please note that force pushing rewrites the Git history, so use it with caution.

Solving Merge Conflicts

In some cases, your pull request might encounter merge conflicts when the changes cannot be automatically merged with the main branch. To resolve merge conflicts:

  1. Update your local branch with the latest changes from the main repository:

    git fetch upstream
    git checkout your-branch-name
    git rebase upstream/master
  2. Git will pause when encountering conflicts. Open the affected files, resolve the conflicts manually, and save the changes.

  3. After resolving all conflicts, stage the changes and continue with the rebase:

    git add .
    git rebase --continue
  4. Finally, force push the changes to your forked repository:

    git push --force origin your-branch-name

Your pull request will be updated with the resolved conflicts, and the reviewers can proceed with the review process. Again, don’t forget to squash your commits.


By following these contribution guidelines, you're all set to start contributing to the Mobile Wallet (Mifos Pay) project. We appreciate your efforts and look forward to your valuable contributions. Happy coding!

Instructions to get the latest APK

To get the latest apk fom the Github actions artifacts, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Actions tab of this repository.
  2. Click the latest workflow from the workflows list.
  3. Scroll down to the Artifacts section and click the mobile-wallet hyperlink.
  4. After successful download, extract the zip file to your preferred location.



Click here for more screenshots


Special thanks to the incredible code contributors who continue to drive this project forward.