= DocBookRx: The ℞ for all your DocBook pain Dan Allen https://github.com/mojavelinux[@mojavelinux] // Settings: :idprefix: :idseparator: - :icons: font ifdef::env-github,env-browser[] :toc: preamble :toclevels: 1 endif::[] ifdef::env-github[] :status: :outfilesuffix: .adoc :!toc-title: endif::[] // Aliases: :project-name: DocBookRx :project-handle: docbookrx // URIs: :uri-asciidoc: http://asciidoc.org :uri-docbook: http://docbook.org :uri-repo: https://github.com/asciidoctor/docbookrx :uri-rvm: http://rvm.io :uri-rvm-install: https://rvm.io/rvm/install :uri-build-status: http://travis-ci.org/asciidoctor/docbookrx :img-build-status: https://img.shields.io/travis/asciidoctor/docbookrx/master.svg
ifdef::status[] image:{img-build-status}[Build Status Badge,link={uri-build-status}] endif::[]
{project-name} (gem: {project-handle}) is the prescription (℞) you need to get rid of your DocBook pain. This tool converts DocBook XML (hell) to AsciiDoc.
{project-name} is the start of a {uri-docbook}[DocBook] to {uri-asciidoc}[AsciiDoc] converter written in Ruby. This converter is far from perfect at the moment and some of the conversion is done hastily. The plan is to evolve it into a robust library for performing this conversion in a reliable way.
== Installing the Development Version
Currently, {project-name} is only available in source form. You'll need to retrieve the source and run the application out the source directory.
=== Retrieve the Source Code
Simply copy the {uri-repo}[GitHub repository URL] and pass it to the git clone
[subs=attributes+] $ git clone {uri-repo}
Next, switch to the project directory:
[subs=attributes+] $ cd {project-handle}
=== Prepare RVM (optional)
We recommend using {uri-rvm}[RVM] when developing applications with Ruby. Follow the {uri-rvm-install}[installation instructions] on the RVM site to setup RVM and install Ruby.
Once you have RVM setup, switch to the version of Ruby you installed:
[subs=attributes+] $ rvm use 2.3.0
If you want RVM to set the version of Ruby automatically whenever you switch to the project, write the version of Ruby to a file at the root of the project named [path].ruby-version:
$ echo 2.3.0 > .ruby-version
We like RVM because it keeps the dependencies required by various projects isolated from each other and from your system.
=== Install the Dependencies
The dependencies needed to use {project-name} are defined in the [path]Gemfile at the root of the project. You'll use Bundler to install these dependencies.
To check if you have Bundler available, use the bundle
command to query the version installed:
$ bundle --version
If it's not installed, use the gem
command to install it.
$ gem install bundler
Next, configure the bundle
command (provided by the bundler gem) to use the system-wide Nokogiri library if available, which dramatically cuts down on installation time:
$ bundle config --local build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries
Finally, use the bundle
command (which is provided by the bundler gem) to install the dependencies into the project:
$ bundle --path=.bundle/gems
NOTE: You must invoke bundle
from the project's root directory so it can locate the [path]Gemfile.
IMPORTANT: Since we've installed dependencies inside the project, it's necessary to prefix all commands (e.g., rake and docbookrx) with bundle exec
== Running the Converter
To run the converter, execute the launch script and pass a DocBook file to convert as the first argument.
$ bundle exec docbookrx sample.xml
The script will automatically create the output file [path]sample.adoc, replacing the DocBook file extension, .xml
with the AsciiDoc file extension, .adoc
The converter is not perfect yet, but we'll get there with your help. You'll can find a list of tasks that need attention listed in the WORKLOG.adoc file.
=== Conditional attribute
The DocBook conditional attribute "condition" is replaced to "ifdef" macro.
Take note the marco is on a line by itself.
For example, in the case of there is the DocBook inline element with condition.
It is converted to below AsciiDoc format.
a ifdef::foo[] b endif::foo[] c
When it is converted to html format, the output is displayed with both a space before "b" and a space after "b".
a b c
== About this Project
=== Authors
docbookrx was written by https://github.com/mojavelinux[Dan Allen].
=== Credits
Gem structure originally created using https://github.com/bkuhlmann/gemsmith[Gemsmith].
=== Copyright
Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Dan Allen and the Asciidoctor Project. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the MIT License.
See the link:LICENSE[LICENSE] file for details.