openSUSE / landing-page

openSUSE landing page which features Tumbleweed and Leap
MIT License
50 stars 60 forks source link

The openSUSE landing page

Visit the website at:

Run the project locally

1 - Install all the dependencies:

npm install

2 - Gulp is our build system and task manager. It will take care of watching for changes to re-build the assets, as well as launching a local test server:

npx gulp

3 - Visit http://localhost:8000


Do you want to contribute by providing translations for the new openSUSE website?

If yes is your answer, then you will make thousands of users happy to have the openSUSE landing page in their language.

The openSUSE translations are provided by You can log in with your openSUSE account there.

For introducing a new language, you need to continue reading.

1. introducing new language

Now its time to add the new language to the dropdown. For this follow the next steps:

  1. Inside the 'index.html' search with your text editor for 'dropdownMenu1', which is the list containing the options of languages available.
  2. Add a new option to the list by simply adding a like such <li><a href="#" class="change-language" data-language-value="es">Spanish</a></li>. Note that the data-language-value attribute contains the value of the international code of the language you added.
  3. Now we have added the file in the dropdown, and the last step is to include the translation file. For this, you need to open the file assets/js/opensuse-theme.js . Here you need to search for "i18n" and add your language following the pattern there.

2. Last steps: build and test

GULP is used to run automatic tasks to preprocess CSS (from less), compress images, and optimize and compress JS.

# zypper in 'rubygem(nokogiri)' 'rubygem(gettext)' npm gettext-tools
$ po/update_po.rb
$ npm update
$ npm install gulp
$ node_modules/.bin/gulp

More info about gulp here

Gulp will give the final touch in the code so then you only need to open the project in your browser http://localhost:8000 Test your language works well. To make sure there is no variable without translation, open up the web inspector of your browser and check if there is error message in the console, if not, you have done an Excellent job! So, open a new Pull Request in github, we will double check everything is fine, and then Merge your contribution!


Do not use

These were removed from the page and will not be used due to concerns related to the fonts sending IP info back to Google's hosted server. Don't import any external CDN for API or fonts, JS-Frameworks to avoid legal problems.

Why did we need a new one?

After years working without a defined target audience and rather than focusing on all software, internet and computer users, the openSUSE Board invested time and knowledge understanding the real personas behind our beloved openSUSE. They identified two "different" users: the Tumbleweed user and users wanting a long-term distribution - the Leap user.

But why create a new UI for it? I liked the old one.

Well, the answer is simple: just like the saying goes "The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot" we were leaving our main door to new comers old and rusty. We implemented a new UI highlighting the most important information for newcomers and of course. A community like ours is always contributing and working together to make openSUSE better every single day.

What makes the new openSUSE landing page more Modern (or less rusty)?

Here we have to take note of a couple of new technologies that were implemented, but, before we go to the technical side, let's talk about the colors:


If you are one of the openSUSE fans, we are sure you have seen the printing material Zvezdana Marjanovic created during her years of contributions to the community as a Graphic Designer. The new color pallete is publicly available at:

The information and order of it:

At this point we need to say Thank you! to the Board and Douglas DeMaio for helping to provide the text and direction of the website. How we organized the Information and why




Contribute and Conferences

The technical side of the new landing page:

This is an static landing page and so, I (cynthia, who is writing this nice explanation for you) decided there is no reason to involve backend in the development. Pure front-end would be enough to take you through the website nice and smoothly on any device you use to browse, providing i18n and reading the blogs content from json.

But, what exactly did you use and why?

And some open source js libraries


Thanks to: