openSUSE / openSUSE-welcome

Korora welcome utility adapted for openSUSE Project
12 stars 20 forks source link

openSUSE Welcome

Welcoming welcome window that will welcomely welcome you on your openSUSE journey, you are welcome.
This is supposed to be a window that shows up during first boot into openSUSE, so people can get familiar with openSUSE before they use it.

A new button has been added that enables you to donate the Geeko Foundation, the primary funding for openSUSE.

Translation status

Translation status

Build instructions

$ sudo zypper in libQt5Core-devel libqt5-qtdeclarative-devel libqt5-qtwebchannel-devel libqt5-qtwebengine-devel libqt5-linguist hicolor-icon-theme meson
$ git clone
$ cd openSUSE-welcome
$ meson setup builddir
$ cd builddir
$ ninja build
$ src/openSUSE-welcome # execute newly built app

OBS build

This will show you how to make a test build of rpms from your git repo

$ zypper in osc # or openSUSE-release-tools
$ osc bco X11:Utilities/opensuse-welcome
$ cd home*X11*Utilities/openSUSE-welcome
$ vim _service # Change _service file to point to your github repo
$ osc service runall # will fetch new sources and make a changelog entry
$ osc addremove #  make sure that the old source archive is gone prior running this
$ osc commit # check changelog by osc vc


openSUSE Welcome is a utility that welcomes users to openSUSE. It includes links to various resources, including a link to the donation page at

Screenshot of openSUSE Welcome.