Utility used by FAE technologies to spider and analyze web pages using OpenAjax evaluation library in Google Chromium browser.
npm install
. This will install the required Node.js packages for fae-util-2 to run.node fae-util-2.js -c <./location_of_config_file/configuration_file_name>
For example, to use the shaverscreek.json configuration file in testFiles folder, you should use the command
node fae-util-2.js -c ./testFiles/shaverscreek
You need to specify a configuration file using the -c
flag as a command line argument. Its usage its as follows
-c <./location_of_config_file/configuration_file_name>
A valid configuration file will have the following format
"urls": <array of strings>,
"maxPages": <number>,
"wait": <number>,
"delay": <number>,
"ruleset": <aria_ruleset>,
"outputDirectory": <string>,
"version": <string>,
"authorization": <boolean>,
"credentials": {
"username": <string>,
"password": <string>
"path": <string>,
"spanDomains": <array of strings>,
"includeDomains": <array of strings>,
"excludeDomains": <array of strings>,
"depth": <number>,
"exportOption": <string>,
"debug": <string>,
"excluded_extensions": <array of strings>,
"excluded_prefixes": <array of strings>
An example configuration file for Shaverscreek website.
async function evaluateRules(passedRuleset) {
var doc = window.document;
var ruleset = OpenAjax.a11y.RulesetManager.getRuleset(passedRuleset);
var evaluator_factory = OpenAjax.a11y.EvaluatorFactory.newInstance();
evaluator_factory.setParameter('ruleset', ruleset);
evaluator_factory.setFeature('eventProcessing', 'fae-util');
evaluator_factory.setFeature('groups', 7);
var evaluator = evaluator_factory.newEvaluator();
var evaluation = evaluator.evaluate(doc, doc.title, doc.location.href);
var out = evaluation.toJSON(true);
return out;
The script will output the following JSON files.