openai / automated-interpretability

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Automated interpretability

Code and tools

This repository contains code and tools associated with the Language models can explain neurons in language models paper, specifically:

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Public datasets

Together with this code, we're also releasing public datasets of GPT-2 XL neurons and explanations. Here's an overview of those datasets.

Update (July 5, 2023): We also released a set of explanations for GPT-2 Small. The methodology is slightly different from the methodology used for GPT-2 XL so the results aren't directly comparable.

Update (August 30, 2023): We recently discovered a bug in how we performed inference on the GPT-2 series models used for the paper and for these datasets. Specifically, we used an optimized GELU implementation rather than the original GELU implementation associated with GPT-2. While the model’s behavior is very similar across these two configurations, the post-MLP activation values we used to generate and simulate explanations differ from the correct values by the following amounts for GPT-2 small:

Definition of connection weights

Refer to GPT-2 model code for understanding of model weight conventions.

Neuron-neuron: For two neurons (l1, n1) and (l2, n2) with l1 < l2, the connection strength is defined as h{l1}.mlp.c_proj.w[:, n1, :] @ diag(h{l2}.ln_2.g) @ h{l2}.mlp.c_fc.w[:, :, n2].

Neuron-token: For token t and neuron (l, n), the input weight is computed as wte[t, :] @ diag(h{l}.ln_2.g) @ h{l}.mlp.c_fc.w[:, :, n] and the output weight is computed as h{l}.mlp.c_proj.w[:, n, :] @ diag(ln_f.g) @ wte[t, :].

Misc Lists of Interesting Neurons

Lists of neurons we thought were interesting according to different criteria, with some preliminary descriptions.