openaustralia / ukraine_verkhovna_rada_votes

Votes by deputies in the Ukrainian Parliament
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Add `motion` #5

Closed henare closed 9 years ago

henare commented 9 years ago

For the one vote we're getting so far we've set our own title field to the title shown on that page:

Поіменне голосування про включення до порядку денного сесії законопроектів №№ 2315а,2315а-1, 2156а, 2175а,2175а-1, 2311а, 2144а,2151а,2151а-1, 2244а,2244а-1,2244а-2, 2289а, 2309а, 2290а, 2174а, 2300а, 2310а, 2176а, 2216а, 2235а, 2230а, 2169а, 2234а, 2152а, 2222а, 2330а, 2263а, 2138а, 2158а, 2950, 2131а, 2547, 2168а, 2047а, 2048а, 2123а, 2101а, 2280а, 2281а, 2988, 2662-1, 2312а, 2308а, 2134а, 2960, 2092а, 2321а,2544,2855,2086а,2143а,2143а-1,2162а,2162а-1,2162а-2, 2317а, 2022а,2503, 2142а,2142а-1

That shows up in TVFY like this:


According to the document that's correct :+1:

We also have a field in TVFY called motion. In the UK this is set to what the person says that is moving the motion, e.g. "I move that the bill be read a third time". In Australia we used to be able to do that but the parliamentary data no longer includes it.

In Australia we set the motion field to be the whole debate leading up to the vote. We don't display this but we do use it in search. This means you can find divisions where MPs are talking about something you're interested in.

It's also effectively the field we let you replace when you summarise a division on TVFY, i.e. what replaces the light yellow box in the screenshot above that starts, "This division is yet to be summarised."

@lisoffsky what should we set the motion field to, if anything, in our Ukrainian scraper?

lisoffsky commented 9 years ago

@henare, I think it would be good to have there a whole debate leading up to the vote. For now Rada isn't sharing transcripts in a convenient for splitting way.

henare commented 9 years ago

@lisoffsky thanks. It's not going to be easy but I think it can be done.

henare commented 9 years ago

It appears that there is a part of the day's transcript for each vote and it looks like it includes useful text.

For example, these three votes each have a corresponding timestamp in the transcript:
