openaustralia / ukraine_verkhovna_rada_votes

Votes by deputies in the Ukrainian Parliament
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Ukraine Verkhovna Rada Votes

This is a scraper that runs on to collect details of every recorded vote in the Ukrainian parliament. It's intended to be used by a project to bring They Vote For You to Ukraine.

It saves data to in a flat format that can be converted easily into Popolo. You can use the little Sinatra proxy, morph_popolo to do exactly that.

Choosing which days to scrape

This scraper is designed to run automatically each day. It checks the most recent data in the database and tries to scrape all dates up until the present day.

If you'd like to scrape a different day, perhaps because of a problem scraping a particular date, you can set environment variables to tell the scraper what days to scrape.

MORPH_ONLY_PARSE_DATE: Set this to a date, e.g. "2016-01-20", to only scrape a specific day. Useful if you're debugging a problem scraping that day.

MORPH_START_DATE: Set this to a date, e.g. "2016-01-20", to scrape every day from that date until the present day. Useful if you're backfilling data in the scraper.

These can be set in the Settings for this scraper. Don't forget to remove them when you're done so the scraper goes back to working how it usually does.

Helpful URLs

All these URLs have obvious IDs you can change to get other pages: