openbankingspace / tpp-issues

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Open Banking UK - Unofficial TPP issue tracker

NOTE: This is a public project that is NOT affiliated with the Open Banking Implementation Entity.

This is a place for Open Banking participants to share information on known issues across the Open Banking Ecosystem. The aim is to augment the :lock: Open Banking Service Desk with a public, transparent repository of information shared with all interested parties.

This does not replace the Open Banking Service Desk! - Currently ALL issues SHOULD be reported to

If, however, TPPs feel that it would benefit the ecosystem they are encouraged to additionally share the information here.

By doing so, TPPs will be able to collaborate, reducing wasteful duplicated investigations by both TPPs and ASPSPs. By having the issue tracker be public, our hope is that the increased transparency can improve TPP/ASPSP interactions, and give unregulated third parties some insight into the process. We hope this proves useful to a wider audience than the regulated entities that have access to the OBSD.

It is VITALLY important that everyone is aware - all content posted here is public to the world. Accordingly, please

By participating, you allow other TPPs to benefit from information sharing. There is no competitive advantage in having the best implementation of an unstable, unadopted system, as such we will all benefit from reduced barriers to entry and faster incident triage if we share issues together.




Open Issues By ASPSP
