openbaton / openbaton-client

The openbaton external client, such as sdk and cli
Apache License 2.0
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Copyright © 2015-2016 Open Baton. Licensed under Apache v2 License.

Open Baton Client

Open Baton Client contains the Open Baton SDK and the Open Baton command-line interface. The SDK provides methods to access the RESTful NFVO API. The command-line interface enables you to use the OpenBaton SDK via the command-line.

Project Structure

The project contains the two modules cli and sdk.

How to install the Open Baton Client

Git clone this project. Navigate into the root directory of the project and execute ./gradlew build.

How to use the command-line interface


Set the required environment variables

Navigate into the project's root directory and execute source A dialog appears and will ask you for some properties.

Openbaton command-line usage

run a command: command-name [arg-1] [arg-2] [arg-3]
show the configuration: -c
activate debug mode: -d command-name [arg-1] [arg-2] [arg-3]
print help: -h
print help for a command: command-name help
list the available commands: -l

For help on a specific openbaton command, enter:

 $ COMMAND help

Vim Instance Subcommands

Network Service Descriptor Subcommands

Virtual Network Function Descriptor Subcommands

Network Service Record Subcommands

The three arguments after the NSD id can be used to specify the VIM on which a VDU should be deployed, the keypairs that shall be used to deploy the NSR and configuration parameters for the VNFRs.
If you want to specify the VIM to use for a particular VDU you can pass a file containing a map like this:

   {"vdu1Name":["vim1","vim2","vim3"], "vdu2Name":["vim1"]}

In this case the VDU named vdu2Name would be deployed on vim1 and the VDU named vdu1Name randomly on one of the VIMs vim1, vim2 or vim3.

The second command argument specifies a file containing a list that describes which keypairs shall be used to deploy the NSR. Here is an example:

   ["key1", "key2", "key3"]

The last command argument specifies a file containing a map of VNFR names and configuration parameters. Here is an example:

      "vnfrName1":{"name":"conf1","configurationParameters":[{"confKey":"key1", "value":"value1", "description":"description1"}]}, 
      "vnfrName2":{"name":"conf2","configurationParameters":[{"confKey":"key1", "value":"value1", "description":"description1"}]} 

Of course you do not have to specify VIMs, keys and configurations. If you do not want to specify them just put empty objects into the files i.e. {} and [].

Remember to source afterwards and set the new password if you want to continue working as this User.

Project Subcommands

Key Subcommands

Event Subcommands

Configuration Subcommands

Image Subcommands

VirtualLink Subcommands

VNFPackage Subcommands

Issue tracker

Issues and bug reports should be posted to the GitHub Issue Tracker of this project

What is Open Baton?

Open Baton is an open source project providing a comprehensive implementation of the ETSI Management and Orchestration (MANO) specification and the TOSCA Standard.

Open Baton provides multiple mechanisms for interoperating with different VNFM vendor solutions. It has a modular architecture which can be easily extended for supporting additional use cases.

It integrates with OpenStack as standard de-facto VIM implementation, and provides a driver mechanism for supporting additional VIM types. It supports Network Service management either using the provided Generic VNFM and Juju VNFM, or integrating additional specific VNFMs. It provides several mechanisms (REST or PUB/SUB) for interoperating with external VNFMs.

It can be combined with additional components (Monitoring, Fault Management, Autoscaling, and Network Slicing Engine) for building a unique MANO comprehensive solution.

Source Code and documentation

The Source Code of the other Open Baton projects can be found here and the documentation can be found here .

News and Website

Check the Open Baton Website Follow us on Twitter @openbaton.

Licensing and distribution

Copyright © [2015-2016] Open Baton project

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


The Open Baton project provides community support through the Open Baton Public Mailing List and through StackOverflow using the tags openbaton.

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