A set of OWL based analysis tools
git clone https://github.com/opencaesar/owl-tools.git
cd owl-tools
Requirements: JDK 17+
./gradlew build
A library of different algorithms to close the world on OWL ontologies
A tool to produce a difference report between two OWL datasets
A tool to generate documentation for an OWL dataset.
A tool to start and stop a UI-less Fuseki server with a given configuration file
A tool to analyze an OWL dataset for satisfiability and consistency with an OWL2-DL reasoner
A tool to load a catalog of OWL ontologies to a database endpoint
A tool to send a SPARQL query to a database endpoint and save the result
A tool to send SHACL constraints to a triple store endpoint and save the result
A tool to load and save OWL ontologies to and from TDB datasets