opencitations / lucinda

The OpenCitations RDF Resource Browser
ISC License
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The OpenCitations RDF Resource Browser

"LUCINDA and OSCAR work better together"

Lucinda is a general RDF-resource browser which could be configured to work with any triplestore providing a SPARQL-endpoint address. LUCINDA can also integrate in it OSCAR, The OpenCitations RDF Search Application.
In this repository you can find few examples of Lucinda usage. Currently we have tested Lucinda with two different projects: OpenCitations, and Wikidata. For each one of these projects we have its corresponding .html main entry, try the Wikidata example, presented at Wikicite2018, at example/wikidata/browser.html .

LUCINDA Configuration

0) LUCINDA Needs bootstrap (currently LUCINDA uses bootstrap-3.4.1):
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="" />

1) Insert in your HTML page the following block:

<div class="__lucinda__" data-content="..."></div></div>

2) Include your configuration file, and right after that include the 'browse.js' script in your HTML page, like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="""></script>

3) To run LUCINDA call its main method:
