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Clarify what happens when you hit the "find my ward" button #89

Open austindavis opened 3 years ago

austindavis commented 3 years ago

The find my ward button is a miracle, in that it just pops my ward number in instantaneously when I put in my addresses. But two things: 1) It doesn't indicate that it's filled in the ward number. A user could be looking at the "find my ward" button and would click it over and over, without realizing that the button had successfully filled in the ward number above. 2) There's no "you actually don't have a ward because your address is not in Cleveland" response. (This is related to the other conversation about a proposed null ward.)

skorasaurus commented 3 years ago

A couple suggestions and Ideas:

Regarding Number 1: We can change the color of the box, and add an additional affect when it's not empty; but that may confuse the user...

Regarding number 2:

Perhaps we can get rid of the ward input (on the front end): require people to enter an address, and filter the response from google where the results are not cleveland, assign them a different number?

But, the issue with that, is that I've noticed google's civic API code (What we use to assign the ward number to the address) does does not return results for several Cleveland addresses when we omit the word "cleveland"

(right now, the query that we send them is "the address input field" + "Cleveland Ohio"

austindavis commented 3 years ago

Even a quick line that pops up below the button and says "Successfully found your ward, it's been filled in above!" would be helpful. (Or alt: "Your ward could not be found.")

ganttArt commented 1 year ago

Adding error handling for this feature would also be beneficial. If I input an address that is incorrect, there is no indication that there is an error that's occurring unless you look at console in dev tools.

ganttArt commented 1 year ago

Even a quick line that pops up below the button and says "Successfully found your ward, it's been filled in above!" would be helpful. (Or alt: "Your ward could not be found.")

You could also include the ward # in the popup, that way the user will learn what it is and then when they look at the button to change it they will see that it's already been updated.

It would be easy to implement this as an alert or as a modal.