opencleveland / refundcleveland

website for residents to adjust the city of Cleveland proposed budget to reflect their priorities.
MIT License
12 stars 10 forks source link

Refund Cleveland

a website for residents to City of Cleveland change their Budget to show what they want the city to value and share their proposed budget with their elected councilperson in city government.

Project outline is at:

We have a Miro Board to sketch out a wireframe.

You can view our project, live, at

Errors / Bugs:

If something is not behaving as you expected, it could be a bug, or if you have an idea, it can be reported in our issue tracker at

How to become involved:

Join our slack channel - #refundcleveland. Complete self-sign up link to join our slack instance.

Most of our features, issues, and discussion is coordinated through our slack channel.

Developer Instructions

Configuring and running locally


Clone repo and install requirements

git clone
cd refundcleveland
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Installing PostgreSQL & Creating a Database

If you need to install PostgreSQL, please follow these steps:

  1. Install PostgreSQL ( Remember the password!
  2. (On Windows) Update your environment path variables. (Step 3 here:
  3. Open a command line and run psql -U postgres. This is the default superuser. Enter the password you created.
  4. Within the postgres terminal, enter the command CREATE DATABASE <databaseName>;.
  5. Update your file!
  6. Run the command python3 migrate within the command line to create tables within your database.

Add local settings

Copy and rename to, and fill in environmental variables:

SECRET_KEY -- Django’s Secret Key used by the project GOOGLE_API_KEY -- Used for Google's Civic Information API to map Address to Political Ward MAILGUN_API_KEY -- Used for the Mailgun API that sends out emails when a user submits a budget

DATABASES -- map of parameters to define the connection to a database. In prod, we are using a postgres db hosted on heroku, and the connection is injected there via config vars. For local versions, enter the information you used when creating the database. Example:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'refund1',
        'USER': 'postgres',
        'PASSWORD': '<password>',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '5432',

Run the app

python3 runserver

Navigate to http://localhost:8000/

Running in a production environment

This is currently done through heroku.


We used the following open source libraries/tools: d3, django, python3, postgres, Google Civic Information API

Note on Patches/Pull Requests


MIT License