openclimatefix / PVNet

PVnet main repo
MIT License
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PVNet 2.1

Python Bump Version & release ease of contribution: hard

This project is used for training PVNet and running PVNet on live data.

PVNet2 is a multi-modal late-fusion model that largely inherits the same architecture from PVNet1.0. The NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) and satellite data are sent through some neural network which encodes them down to 1D intermediate representations. These are concatenated together with the GSP (Grid Supply Point) output history, the calculated solar coordinates (azimuth and elevation) and the GSP ID which has been put through an embedding layer. This 1D concatenated feature vector is put through an output network which outputs predictions of the future GSP yield. National forecasts are made by adding all the GSP forecasts together.


Our paper based on this repo was accepted into the Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning workshop at ICLR 2024 and can be viewed here.

Some slightly more structured notes on deliberate experiments we have performed with PVNet are here.

Some very rough, early working notes on this model are here. These are now somewhat out of date.

Setup / Installation

git clone
cd PVNet
pip install .

The commit history is extensive. To save download time, use a depth of 1:

git clone --depth 1

This means only the latest commit and its associated files will be downloaded.

Next, in the PVNet repo, install PVNet as an editable package:

pip install -e .

Additional development dependencies

pip install ".[dev]"

Getting started with running PVNet

Before running any code in PVNet, copy the example configuration to a configs directory:

cp -r configs.example configs

You will be making local amendments to these configs. See the README in configs.example for more info.


As a minimum, in order to create batches of data/run PVNet, you will need to supply paths to NWP and GSP data. PV data can also be used. We list some suggested locations for downloading such datasets below:

GSP (Grid Supply Point) - Regional PV generation data\ The University of Sheffield provides API access to download this data:

Documentation for querying generation data aggregated by GSP region can be found here:

NWP (Numerical weather predictions)\ OCF maintains a Zarr formatted version of the German Weather Service's (DWD) ICON-EU NWP model here: which includes the UK

Please note that the current version of ICON loader supports a different format. If you want to use our ICON-EU dataset or your own NWP source, you can create a loader for it using the instructions here.

PV\ OCF maintains a dataset of PV generation from 1311 private PV installations here:

Connecting with ocf_datapipes for batch creation

Outside the PVNet repo, clone the ocf-datapipes repo and exit the conda env created for PVNet:

git clone --depth 1
conda create -n ocf_datapipes python=3.10

Then go inside the ocf_datapipes repo to add packages

pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

Then exit this environment, and enter back into the pvnet conda environment and install ocf_datapies in editable mode (-e). This means the package is directly linked to the source code in the ocf_datapies repo.

pip install -e <PATH-TO-ocf_datapipes-REPO>

Generating pre-made batches of data for training/validation of PVNet

PVNet contains a script for generating batches of data suitable for training the PVNet models. To run the script you will need to make some modifications to the datamodule configuration.

Make sure you have copied the example configs (as already stated above):

cp -r configs.example configs

Set up and config example for batch creation

We will use the following example config file for creating batches: /PVNet/configs/datamodule/configuration/example_configuration.yaml. Ensure that the file paths are set to the correct locations in example_configuration.yaml: search for PLACEHOLDER to find where to input the location of the files. You will need to comment out or delete the parts of example_configuration.yaml pertaining to the data you are not using.

When creating batches, an additional datamodule config located in PVNet/configs/datamodule is passed into the batch creation script: streamed_batches.yaml. Like before, a placeholder variable is used when specifying which configuration to use:

configuration: "PLACEHOLDER.yaml"

This should be given the whole path to the config on your local machine, for example:

configuration: "/FULL-PATH-TO-REPO/PVNet/configs/datamodule/configuration/example_configuration.yaml"

Where FULL-PATH-TO-REPO represent the whole path to the PVNet repo on your local machine.

This is also where you can update the train, val & test periods to cover the data you have access to.

Running the batch creation script

Run the script to create batches with the parameters specified in the datamodule config (streamed_batches.yaml in this example):

python scripts/

PVNet uses hydra which enables us to pass variables via the command line that will override the configuration defined in the ./configs directory, like this:

python scripts/ datamodule=streamed_batches datamodule.batch_output_dir="./output" datamodule.num_train_batches=10 datamodule.num_val_batches=5

scripts/ needs a config under PVNet/configs/datamodule. You can adapt streamed_batches.yaml or create your own in the same folder.

If downloading private data from a GCP bucket make sure to authenticate gcloud (the public satellite data does not need authentication):

gcloud auth login

Files stored in multiple locations can be added as a list. For example, in the example_configuration.yaml file we can supply a path to satellite data stored on a bucket:

    satellite_zarr_path: gs://solar-pv-nowcasting-data/satellite/EUMETSAT/SEVIRI_RSS/v4/2020_nonhrv.zarr

Or to satellite data hosted by Google:

      - "gs://public-datasets-eumetsat-solar-forecasting/satellite/EUMETSAT/SEVIRI_RSS/v4/2020_nonhrv.zarr"
      - "gs://public-datasets-eumetsat-solar-forecasting/satellite/EUMETSAT/SEVIRI_RSS/v4/2021_nonhrv.zarr"

Datapipes are currently set up to use 11 channels from the satellite data, the 12th of which is HRV and is not included in these.

Training PVNet

How PVNet is run is determined by the extensive configuration in the config files. The configs stored in PVNet/configs.example should work with batches created using the steps and batch creation config mentioned above.

Make sure to update the following config files before training your model:

  1. In configs/datamodule/local_premade_batches.yaml:
    • update batch_dir to point to the directory you stored your batches in during batch creation
  2. In configs/model/local_multimodal.yaml:
    • update the list of encoders to reflect the data sources you are using. If you are using different NWP sources, the encoders for these should follow the same structure with two important updates:
      • in_channels: number of variables your NWP source supplies
      • image_size_pixels: spatial crop of your NWP data. It depends on the spatial resolution of your NWP; should match nwp_image_size_pixels_height and/or nwp_image_size_pixels_width in datamodule/example_configs.yaml, unless transformations such as coarsening was applied (e. g. as for ECMWF data)
  3. In configs/local_trainer.yaml:
    • set accelerator: 0 if running on a system without a supported GPU

If creating copies of the config files instead of modifying existing ones, update defaults in the main ./configs/config.yaml file to use your customised config files:

  - trainer: local_trainer.yaml
  - model: local_multimodal.yaml
  - datamodule: local_premade_batches.yaml
  - callbacks: null
  - logger: csv.yaml
  - experiment: null
  - hparams_search: null
  - hydra: default.yaml

Assuming you ran the script to generate some premade train and val data batches, you can now train PVNet by running:



If you have successfully trained a PVNet model and have a saved model checkpoint you can create a backtest using this, e.g. forecasts on historical data to evaluate forecast accuracy/skill. This can be done by running one of the scripts in this repo such as the UK GSP backtest script or the the pv site backtest script, further info on how to run these are in each backtest file.


You can use python -m pytest tests to run tests