openclimatefix / uk-pv-forecast-blend

Service to blend forecast together
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UK PV Forecast Blend

This app is for blending forecast together

The main application (forecast_blend/

  1. Loads different forecasts
  2. Blends them together using weights
  3. Saves them ready to be used by the api
  4. This is done for all GSPs

This was previously done in the API

We always update the ForecastValueLatest table, but we only update the ForecastValue table every 30 minutes


  graph TD;
      subgraph App
      S(Start) --> LF
      LF(Load All Forecasts);
      LF --> Filter(Filter Forecasts);
      Filter -->  Blend[Blend \n Expected values];
      Blend --> N4(Blend Probabilistic \n- only for National);
      N4 --> S(Save Forecast)
      S --> F(Finish)

      subgraph Blending
    A(All Forecasts);
    A --> SUT(Split unique 'target times' \n and not);
    SUT --> |Unique Target times| B
    SUT --> |Duplicated Target times| C(Loop over each \n target time)
    C --> BW
    W2 --> BW
    BW(Blend using weights) --> SumCheck
    SumCheck{At least one \n forecast available} --> |yes| B
    SumCheck --> |no| Blend2(Blend forecast with \n next set of weights)
    Blend2 --> SumCheck2
    SumCheck2{At least one \n forecast available} --> |yes| B
    SumCheck2 --> |no| BB(Break)
    B(Blended \n Forecast)


Tests are in the tests folder and can be run using pytest

Might need to

export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:./forecast_blend