opencoweb / coweb

Open Cooperative Web Framework
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============================== Open Cooperative Web Framework

This project is no longer maintained and provided as is.

:Homepage: :Project page: :Code: :Documentation: :User group: :Dev group: :IRC: #coweb on

What is it?

The Open Cooperative Web Framework enables the creation of cooperative web applications featuring concurrent real-time interactions among remote users and external data sources. The framework handles remote notification of user changes, the resolution of conflicting changes, and convergence of application state with minimal information from the application.

The current implementation of the framework is based on open web technologies such as AMD <>, Bayeux <>, and WebSockets <>_. The framework includes:

Getting Started

Read the the framework documentation online at It includes tutorials on how to obtain the coweb package from Maven Central or PyPI and write your first cooperative web application.

Send mail to the coweb users group or join us on IRC if you're having trouble.

Developer setup

For developers seeking to develop this project directly, see


Tagged revisions in the *master* branch are our stable releases. The docs at match the latest stable release.

The *opencoweb/coweb/master* branch on GitHub contains the framework code
progressing toward the next stable release. We increment the version number in
the code immediately after tagging a stable release so it reflects our next
intended stable version.

The *opencoweb/cowebx/master* branch on GitHub contains example applications
and widgets using the framework. We do not plan to make stable releases of the
examples. Instead we will attempt to keep them working with all versions of the
framework version 0.4 or higher.

All APIs are subject to change until we hit a v1.0 milestone.


Currently, the JavaScript portions of the coweb framework should work in the
following browsers.

* Firefox 3.5+
* Safari 4+
* Chrome
* IE8+
* Opera 10.50+
* Mobile Safari on iOS 4+
* Android Browser 1.6+

For our Java coweb server, we support any environment that can run a Java
Servlet 3.0 compliant container (e.g., Jetty, Tomcat). For the Python server,
we support any environment where Tornado can operate.

Please report an issue on GitHub if you have trouble in one of these browsers or
server environments.


Copyright (c) The Dojo Foundation 2011. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2008, 2011. All Rights Reserved.

See the LICENSE file for the terms of the OpenCoweb dual BSD/AFL license.

Packaged builds of the OpenCoweb JavaScript framework located in
coweb/js/release include third-party code that is not covered under the
OpenCoweb License. See the NOTICES file for details of these dependencies.


The Open Cooperative Web Framework is a
`Dojo Foundation project <>`_, and
as such follows the `contribution directives of the
Dojo Foundation <>`_. Please read
them if you wish to contribute. If you agree to their terms, feel free to fork
our code and send us pull requests on GitHub.


This open source project derives from a broader IBM cooperative web project. The
initial IBM contribution includes efforts from the following people:

Bill Abt, Krishna Akella, Hisatoshi Adachi, David Boloker,
`Paul Bouchon <>`_,
`Brian Burns <>`_,
`Bryce Curtis <>`_, Andrew Donoho,
`Dan Gisolfi <>`_, Wing Lee,
`Peter Parente <>`_, Aaron Reed,
`Roger Que <>`_, Sonal Starr,
`Michael Stewart <>`_, Wayne Vicknair, Royce
Walter, Peter Westerink

Additional contributions made to the project under the Dojo Foundation come from
the following people:

`Richard Backhouse <>`_,
`Nick Fitzgerald <>`_


The operational transformation algorithm used in the framework is based on
various lines of research, such as: 

* \C. Sun, "Operational Transformation Frequently Asked Questions and Answers"
  2010. [Online]. Available:
* \D. Sun and C. Sun: "Context-based Operational Transformation in Distributed
  Collaborative Editing Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and
  Distributed Systems, Vol. 20, No. 10, pp. 1454 – 1470, Oct. 2009.
* \D. Sun and C. Sun, "Operation context and context-based operational
  transformation," in CSCW '06: Proceedings of the 2006 20th anniversary
  conference on Computer supported cooperative work. New York, NY, USA: ACM
  Press, 2006, pp. 279-288. [Online]. Available:
* \D. Sun, S. Xia, C. Sun, and D. Chen, "Operational transformation for
  collaborative word processing," in CSCW '04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM
  conference on Computer supported cooperative work. New York, NY, USA: ACM,
  2004, pp. 437-446. [Online]. Available:
* \S. Xia, D. Sun, C. Sun, D. Chen, and H. Shen, "Leveraging single-user
  applications for multi-user collaboration: the coword approach," in CSCW '04:
  Proceedings of the 2004 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work.
  New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2004, pp. 162-171. [Online].