opencypher / openCypher

Specification of the Cypher property graph query language
Apache License 2.0
841 stars 149 forks source link
cypher database declarative grammar graph language property query specification standard tck

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= The Cypher Property Graph Query Language

This repository holds the specification of Cypher, a declarative property graph query language. Its purpose is to be central to the process of evolving the specification and standardisation of Cypher as a graph query language.

== Overview of the process

Changes to openCypher are made through consensus in the openCypher Implementers Group (oCIG). The process for proposing changes, voting on proposals and measuring consensus is described in[this set of slides].

Refer to the link:CIP-PROCESS.adoc[Cypher Improvement Process] document for more details on CIPs, CIRs, their structure and lifecycle.

== The structure of this repository

== Building

This repository uses a Maven build and supports cross building for Scala 2.12 and Scala 2.13:

== Contact us

There are several ways to get in touch with the openCypher project and its participants:

== Copyright

© Copyright 2015-2017 Neo Technology, Inc.

== Feedback

Any feedback you provide to Neo Technology, Inc. through this repository shall be deemed to be non-confidential. You grant Neo Technology, Inc. a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such feedback on an unrestricted basis.

== License

The openCypher project is licensed under the[Apache license 2.0]. // TODO: I feel like we should flesh this section out a bit -- not sure how