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When I reopened a task when the crash! #100

Open NEW-BOY1 opened 1 year ago

NEW-BOY1 commented 1 year ago
Mission SayNPCMission removes from Event 4
free(): invalid pointer
Aborted (core dumped)

This is a hint. Level 150 professional task, I give up, When I activate again. Gameserver crash


tiancaiamao commented 1 year ago

What's the race you're playing? vampire or slayer or ousters? And what's the role?

Supacek commented 1 year ago

void GQuestElement::whenMissionEnd( PlayerCreature pOwner, GQuestMission pMission ) { if ( getEventType() == GQuestManager::MAX ) return; cout << "Mission " << pMission->getMissionName() << " removes from Event " << (int)getEventType() << endl; list<GQuestMission>& missions = pOwner->getGQuestManager()->getEventMission(getEventType()); list<GQuestMission>::iterator itr = find(missions.begin(), missions.end(), pMission);

if ( itr != missions.end() ) missions.erase(itr);
else cout << "****** but cannot find! ******" << endl;


NEW-BOY1 commented 1 year ago

What's the race you're playing? vampire or slayer or ousters? And what's the role?

Three RACE 150 full-time task.. Perhaps you can look at

Supacek commented 1 year ago

what i did i removed the Quests from game and made Triggers for JC no one like that stupid Quest:)

Supacek commented 1 year ago


                         Heres the Quest location just fix it or remove  [server/data)/EventGQuest.xml
                          or open the client folder where is the quest located in item datainfo.rpk there is the Quest u can compare it  must be same like in server files
Supacek commented 1 year ago

when u give up its somethink with the fail scripts image