opendarkeden / server

42 stars 32 forks source link

The client is in this repo.

If you're using Windows or Docker environment, skip the following content and see install using docker.



The development environment is Ubuntu 20.04, other linux release should also work.


All the dependencies can be installed using apt.

sudo apt install \
    libxerces-c-dev \
    libmysqlclient-dev \


Compile is easy, just call:


or make -j 8 if you have a 8 cores CPU computor to accelerate the compilation.

Setup the Database

MySQL 5.7 or 8 are tested.

Create a user 'elcastle'@'%' with password 'elca110'

Create the DARKEDEN and USERINFO database:

create database DARKEDEN;
create database USERINFO;

Make sure the sql_mode allow zero date time, remove the NO_ZERO_DATE from the sql_mode. And also remove the STRICT_TRANS_TABLES from it to workaround a guild related issue :

mysql> select @@global.sql_mode;
| @@global.sql_mode                                                                                                                         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

Then load the SQL file initdb/DARKEDEN.sql and initdb/USERINFO.sql:

mysql -h -u elcastle -D 'DARKEDEN' -p < initdb/DARKEDEN.sql
mysql -h -u elcastle -D 'USERINFO' -p < initdb/USERINFO.sql

Update the DARKEDEN.WorldDBInfo and DARKEDEN.GameServerInfo table to set the correct IP/PORT().

Modify Configure

You need to change the configure files in the conf/ directory. HomePath should be the repository directory path.

The DB_HOST should be you database IP address, LoginServerIP should also be changed accordingly.

DON'T forget the DARKEDEN.WorldDBInfo and DARKEDEN.GameServerInfo tables in the database, they are not in the configure files, but the data should match, otherwise you can't login.

Start the server

Start the loginserver, sharedserver, gameserver in order:

./bin/loginserver -f ./conf/loginserver.conf
./bin/sharedserver -f ./conf/sharedserver.conf
./bin/gameserver -f ./conf/gameserver.conf