opendatacube / datacube-qgis

Open Data Cube QGIS Plugin
8 stars 3 forks source link

Open Data Cube QGIS Plugin

|Build Status| |Documentation Status|

A QGIS 3 processing plugin to query and return data in GeoTIFF format from an Open Data Cube.

.. contents:: Contents

.. image:: doc/images/algorithm_dialog.png


Documentation <>_ ....................................................................................


The Data Cube plugin is a processing plugin as opposed to a docked or panel type plugin. This was done to reduce PyQt UI development, but it is a little restrictive for future development (of user interface features).

There is scope to add more tools (processing algorithms) to the toolbox (provider). This can be done by writing a datacube_query.algs class that subclasses datacube_query.algs.__base__.BaseAlgorithm, importing that class in datacube_query.provider and appending the class to datacube_query.provider.DataCubeQueryProvider.algs.

Building and testing .................... There are some make files (win and *nix) to run tests and build a zipped plugin and/or static docs.

.. code-block::

make        # default target, will run make clean, make doc and make build
make build  # build the plugin from the current source tree
make doc    # build the static docs
make clean  # explicitly clean up the source tree
make test   # run the tests

Documentation ............. There's no API documentation as such. The plugin code is only meant to be used from a GUI, but the code is fairly well commented. The user docs are static HTML included with the zipped plugin file, and also are automatically built at <>_ from a commit hook to the github repo.

Links .....

There isn't a great deal of QGIS 3 plugin development documentation yet. Some links below:

.. |Build Status| image:: :target: .. |Documentation Status| image:: :target: