opendatatrentino / OpenDataRise

Tool to cleanse and semantify datasets from CKAN repositories. Based on OpenRefine.
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Data integration tool to cleanse and semantify datasets from CKAN repositories. Based on OpenRefine.

Project status: Developing - we are testing using reconciliation sevices of DISI, University of Trento. Currently code is kept in a private repository, when project reaches a sufficient level of stability we will merge changes into the public repo. We keep public wiki updated, though, so you can get an idea of how the project will look like. You can also watch a demo video with a run of ODR on a dataset about certified products.

Additions to OpenRefine:

Roadmap: see project issues

Documentation: see the wiki



OpenDataRise adds a semantic layer upon the OpenRefine platform, so it owes a great deal of gratitude to OpenRefine authors.

OpenDataRise contributors:
OpenRefine contributors:

Refine was created by Metaweb Technologies, Inc. and originally written and conceived by David Huynh Metaweb Technologies, Inc. was acquired by Google, Inc. in July 2010 and the product was renamed Google Refine. In October 2012, it was renamed OpenRefine as it transitioned to a community-supported product.

This is the full list of Open Refine contributors (in chronological order):