opendevstack / tailor

Infrastructure as Code for OpenShift
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 9 forks source link
automation diff drift golang infrastructure-as-code oc openshift yaml-template


Tailor is a tool to drive the configuration of your OpenShift resources via templates under version control. Any drift between your desired state (the YAML templates) and the current state (resources in the cluster) can be detected, reviewed and reconciled using a CLI interface. Tailor is required by other OpenDevStack repositories, but is fully standalone and may be used in completely different contexts. It uses oc commands under the hood, and is based on plain OpenShift templates.

The main target of Tailor is OpenShift 3.11. Tailor also works against OpenShift 4, but it is recommended to transition to other tools, such as Helm or kustomize, which have become popular and work well against OpenShift 4. If you are interested how Tailor compares to those tools, please see comparison to other tools.

Benefits of using infrastructure-as-code

Benefits of using Tailor over plain oc commands


The latest release is 1.3.4 and requires oc = v3.11. OpenShift 4 is not officially supported yet although 1.3.0 is known to work with OpenShift 4.6. Note that Tailor is now considered to be feature-complete and will only receive bug fixes going forward. Please have a look at the changelog when upgrading.


curl -LO "" && \
chmod +x tailor-darwin-amd64 && mv tailor-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/tailor


curl -LO "" && \
chmod +x tailor-linux-amd64 && mv tailor-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/tailor

Windows (using Git Bash):

curl -LO "" && \
chmod +x tailor-windows-amd64.exe && mv tailor-windows-amd64.exe /mingw64/bin/tailor.exe


There are three main commands: diff, apply and export. All commands depend on a current OpenShift session. To help with debugging (e.g. to see the oc commands which are executed in the background), use --verbose. More commands and options can be discovered via tailor help. All options can also be read from a file to ease usage, see section Tailorfile.

tailor diff / apply

diff compares the current state of a namespace with its desired state, and shows the resulting drift. The current state is determined by exporting the resources in the OpenShift cluster (via oc get --export). The desired state is computed by processing local OpenShift templates (via oc process), using any parameters given via the CLI or param files.

apply does exactly the same as diff, but then asks whether to reconcile the drift, which can be done as a whole or on a per-resource basis.

There are many options to control how the comparison is performed:

tailor export

Export configuration of resources found in an OpenShift namespace to a cleaned YAML template, which is written to STDOUT. Tailor applies three optimisations to the result:


Template Authoring

Please consult the OpenShift Templates documentation on how to write templates to express the desired state. Tailor processes the templates using standard oc process, before the resulting resource list gets applied via oc apply. For in-depth knowledge about how the configuration in the templates gets applied to the current state in the cluster, read Declarative Management of Kubernetes Objects Using Configuration Files.

Following is some guidance on how to author templates:

Working with Secrets

Keeping the OpenShift configuration under version control necessitates to store secrets. To make it easy to do so in a safe fashion, Tailor comes with a secrets subcommand that allows to encrypt those secrets using PGP. The subcommands offers to edit, re-encrypt and reveal secrets, as well as adding new keypairs via generate-key.

In general, secrets are just a special kind of params. Typically, params are located in *.env files, e.g. FOO=bar. Secrets an be kept in a *.env.enc file, where each line is e.g. QUX=<encrypted content>. When Tailor is processing templates, it merges *.env and *.env.enc files together. All params in .env.enc files are base64-encoded automatically by Tailor so that they can be used directly in OpenShift Secret resources. If you have a secret value that is a multiline string (such as a certificate), you can base64-encode it (e.g. cat cert | base64) and add the encoded string as a parameter into the .env.enc file like this: FOO.B64=abc.... The .B64 suffix tells Tailor that the value is already in base64 encoding.

In order to create and edit *.env.enc files, Tailor offers an edit command. secrets edit foo.env.enc opens a terminal editor, in which you can enter the params in plain, e.g. PASSWORD=s3cr3t. When saved, every param value will be encrypted for all public keys in --public-key-dir="public-keys|.". To read a file with encrypted params (e.g. to edit the secrets or compare the diff between desired and current state), you need your private key available at --private-key="private.key".

When a public key is added or removed, it is required to run secrets re-encrypt. This decrypts all params in *.env.enc files and writes them again using the provided public keys.

The secrets reveal foo.env.enc command shows the param file after decrypting the param values so that you can see the clear text secrets.

Finally, to ease PGP management, secrets generate-key generates a PGP keypair, writing the public key to john-doe.key (which should be committed) and the private key to private.key (which MUST NOT be committed).


Tailor needs access to a resource in order to be able to compare it. This means that to properly compare all resources, the user of the OpenShift session that Tailor makes use of needs to have enough rights. Failing, Tailor will error as it cannot compare some resources. To prevent this from happening, exclude the resource types (e.g. rolebinding and serviceaccount) that you do not have access to.


Instead of passing flags ad-hoc to tailor, all options can be specified in a Tailorfile, which is a simple line-delimited file, e.g.:

template-dir foo
param-dir bar

param FOO=bar
param BAZ=qux


Please note that boolean flags need to be specified with a value, e.g. upsert-only true.

Tailor will automatically pick up any file named Tailorfile.<namespace> or Tailorfile in the working directory. Alternatively, a specific file can be selected via tailor -f somefile.

Command Completion

BASH/ZSH completion is available. Add this into .bash_profile or equivalent:

eval "$(tailor --completion-script-$(echo $SHELL | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'))"

Comparison to other tools

Tailor vs. Helm

If you are a Tailor user wanting to migrate to Helm, check out the migration guide.

Tailor vs. kustomize

FAQ / Troubleshooting

Tailor does not recognize a certain resource kind

Tailor currently supports BuildConfig, CronJob, Job, Deployment, DeploymentConfig, ImageStream, LimitRange, PersistentVolumeClaim, ResourceQuota, RoleBinding, Route, Secret, Service, ServiceAccount, Template, HorizontalPodAutoscaler, and StatefulSet. Some resources like Build, Event, ImageStreamImage, ImageStreamTag, PersistentVolume, Pod, ReplicationController are not supported by design as they are created and managed automatically by OpenShift. If you want to control a resource with Tailor that is not supported yet, but would be suitable, please open an issue.

Why is it required to specify fields which have server defaults?

When a field (such as .spec.revisionHistoryLimit of DeploymentConfig resources) is absent from a template, the server will default it when the template is applied. However, in subsequent runs, Tailor will detect drift for that field, suggesting to remove it (even though the path would not actually be removed as the server would default it again). Technically, it would be possible to prevent detecting drift for those circumstances (based on previously applied configuration), but it would run the risk that changes are made in the UI which would not be detected by Tailor, and therefore lead to situations where the live configuration does not match the desired state. Because of this, Tailor detects drift unless the field is also defined in the template, or the live value is preserved (via --preserve ...)