openedx-translations ####################
This openedx-translations repository contains translation files from Open edX repositories
to be kept in sync with Transifex. To accomplish this task, a GitHub Action in
named extract-translation-source-files.yml
regularly extracts
English translation source files form Open edX repositories containing code and adds them
to this repository. A GitHub Transifex app allows for the automatic upload of these
translation files and after being translated on Transifex, the automatic download back
into this repository. The translation files in this repository can then be accessed by
using the openedx-atlas
_ CLI tool to download specific directories of translation files
from openedx-translations.
This repository implements the OEP-58
_ proposal.
Main and Release branches
This repository has a main branch in addition to a dedicated branch for every release. As of May 10th, 2024 the following are the release branches:
branchThis branch is used for the latest version of Open edX such as
Tutor nightly
, edx-platform "master" branch
and others.
To translate the latest versions the open-edx/openedx-translations
_ Transifex
project should be used.
branchThis branch is used for the latest version of the Open edX Release, which will
be a version of Tutor and corresponding branches in tagged repos. For example,
for the Redwood release (June 2024), the branches were:
Tutor Redwood v18
, edx-platform "open-release/redwood.master" branch
and others.
To update translations for a named release, find the corresponding named release project in the Open edX Transifex project <>
_ by searching for the release name (for example, Redwood) in the search box.
Tools for repository maintainers
This repository contains both GitHub Actions workflows
Makefile programs
to automate and assist maintainers chores including:
The GitHub Transifex App integeration puts an inconvenient names for resources like translations..frontend-app-something..src-i18n-transifex-input--main
instead of frontend-app-something
Running this command should be safe and can be ran multiple times on
both the main openedx-translations
project or on release projects
make variable as shown below::
# Dry run the name fix
make TRANSIFEX_PROJECT_SLUG='openedx-translations-zebrawood' fix_transifex_resource_names_dry_run
# If runs without errors, run the actual command:
make TRANSIFEX_PROJECT_SLUG='openedx-translations-zebrawood' fix_transifex_resource_names
This repository validates translations with the GNU gettext msgfmt
The validation can be run locally with the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
make validate_translations
The validation errors is also posted as a comment on the update translation pull requests.
If GitHub Actions has an outage or any other issues there will be a backlog of stale unmerged Transifex bot pull requests. To re-run tests and merge the pull requests, run the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
make retry_merge_transifex_bot_pull_requests
.. _OEP-58: .. _openedx-atlas:
.. _sync_translations.yml workflow on GitHub:
.. _open-edx/openedx-translations: .. _open-edx/openedx-translations-redwood:
.. _Tutor nightly: .. _edx-platform "master" branch: .. _Tutor Redwood v18: .. _edx-platform "open-release/redwood.master" branch:
.. _GitHub Actions workflows: .. _Makefile programs: