openfisca /

Le site web d'OpenFisca-France. / OpenFisca-France web site.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2 stars 3 forks source link

[FR] Introduction

OpenFisca est un logiciel libre de micro-simulation. Ceci est le code source du site web de la communauté traitant du modèle socio-fiscal français.

[EN] Introduction

OpenFisca is a versatile microsimulation free software. This is the source code of the web site for the community working on the french tax and benefit system.


This project uses Node.js, Next.js and React.

To install this project's dependencies, go to its directory and run:

npm install


npm start

Expected result example:

> next start

> Ready on http://localhost:3000

> Learn more about the server's production configuration for `` on the [openfisca-ops repository](

:tada: In your browser, the website is available at this address: `http://localhost:3000`

## Integration tests

This code uses [Watai]( framework for integration testing.

### Install integration tests environment

To run the tests with Watai, we need the Java JRE and a Selenium standalone server.

#### Install Java JRE

Check if a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is already installed on your environment with:

java -version

Expected answer example: java version "1.8.0_40"

If you get an error, download Java last `JRE` version on the [Oracle website](

#### Install Selenium

Download the standalone Selenium server on the [official website](

Your download result is a Java `.jar` file (e.g., `selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar`)

Move this file to the desired directory.
In this example, we will save it to: `/opt/local/lib/selenium`

And register the jar full path in `$SELENIUM` environment variable:
export SELENIUM=/opt/local/lib/selenium/selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar

To test your installation, run:

java -jar $SELENIUM
# Expected answer example:
# 15:26:11.981 INFO - Selenium build info: version: '3.4.0', revision: 'unknown'
# 15:26:11.982 INFO - Launching a standalone Selenium Server
# (...)
# 15:26:12.323 INFO - Selenium Server is up and running

Then, end it with Ctrl-C.

Select testing browser

To run the integration tests locally, you need a testing browser. Default configuration in this project uses Chrome browser.

If you have Chrome, install chromedriver as follows:

sudo npm install --global chromedriver

This will add a chromedriver to your global environment. Its installation directory (e.g., /usr/local/lib/node_modules/chromedriver) will be used in the next step.

If you don't have Chrome, update the browser name in tests/integration/config.js. E.g., for firefox:

    browser: 'firefox',

And this doesn't need further driver installation.

Link Chromedriver & Selenium

Go in the Selenium directory and add a (symbolic) link to the chrome driver:

cd `dirname $SELENIUM`
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules/chromedriver/lib/chromedriver/chromedriver chromedriver

Run tests

Every step is runned in a new terminal window.

  1. Terminal window #1: in directory, run the web site in developement mode

    npm run dev
    # Expected answer example:
    # DONE  Compiled successfully in 2276ms                                3:25:21 PM
    # > Ready on http://localhost:3000
  2. Terminal window #2: run the selenium server

    java -jar $SELENIUM
    # Expected answer example:
    # 15:26:11.981 INFO - Selenium build info: version: '3.4.0', revision: 'unknown'
    # 15:26:11.982 INFO - Launching a standalone Selenium Server
    # (...)
    # 15:26:12.323 INFO - Selenium Server is up and running
  3. Terminal window #3: in directory, run the integration tests (this step opens Chrome browser)

    npm run test:integration
    # Expected answer example:
    # (...)
    # ⨁
    # ✔  L'en-tête doit présenter ce que fait OpenFisca.
    # ✔  La page d'accueil doit indiquer les informations de documentation.


This repository adheres to a certain coding style, and we invite you to follow it for your contributions to be integrated promptly.

To run the style checker:

npm run style:check

To automatically style-format your code changes:

npm run style:format

To automatically style-format your code changes each time you commit:

touch .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

tee -a .git/hooks/pre-commit << END
# Automatically format your code before committing.
exec npm run style:format

Tracking uses Matomo (formerly Piwik) to track visits. The tracking is configured in piwik.config.json. Change the information there if you are running a seperate Piwik or Matomo instance.