This Project provides authentication services for Open Food Facts using Keycloak, backed by a PostgreSQL database.
First, run make build
to create the realm.json file with variables substituted. It seems that the standalone import for keycloak does not interpolate variables
Then use docker compose up -d --build
to build and run the container.
To see how a user logs in you can navigate to: http://auth.openfoodfacts.localhost:5600/realms/open-products-facts/account/#/
We use Playwright to test the Keycloak user interface and styling. We recommend using the "Playwright Test for VSCode" plugin.
The Keycloak version to be used is specified in the .env file. However, in addition to updating this there are a number of other steps that need to be completed:
We keep a copy of the Keycloak themes in Git so that we can see what has changed between versions. Run make refresh_themes
to refresh this copy (stored in the theme
We have overridden a small number of standard Keycloak templates where needed. Make sure you refresh these templates from the original Keycloak ones if they have changed and re-apply our overrides if they are still needed. All templates containing overrides will contain a comment like:
<!-- OFF specific changes: ...
Please try and write a Playwright test to cover any specific overrides, so we know when it is safe to remove them.
Run make init
to refresh any Playwright binaries. Note you may need to restart VSCode if you are using the Playwright extension.
Run make build
to finally update the container images.
This is mostly taken care of. The scrypt has provider ensures users will not need to change their passwords.
[ ] Figure out how applications can register a client_id and get a client_secret
Steps to creating a client:
POST /admin/realms/open-products-facts/clients
"clientId": "{new client}",
"secret": "{new secret}",
"directAccessGrantsEnabled": true,
"serviceAccountsEnabled": true
Get the client id:
GET /admin/realms/open-products-facts/clients?clientId={new client}
Get the user for the client:
GET /admin/realms/{realm}/clients/{id}/service-account-user
Following should probably be done by linking the user to a group, but ad-hoc...
Get the realm-management client
GET /admin/realms/open-products-facts/clients?clientId=realm-management
Get the id of the manage-users role:
GET /admin/realms/open-products-facts/users/{service-account-user-id}/role-mappings/clients/{realm-management-id}/available
Assign the role
POST /admin/realms/{realm}/users/{service-account-user-id}/role-mappings/clients/{realm-management-id}
"id": "{Id from previous get}",
"name": "manage-users"
[ ] Work out how to limit access to the management console [ ] Make sure any tools that can export users are disabled
Need to move storage to Postgres. Will also need a script to update the user attributes to a text column
This script will need to run from Or maybe could be part of the Delete User event listener. Writing it in Java will avoid installing the full postgres client.
Need to decide how similar we want to make the screens to the main pages. Some issues to consider:
It looks like the CSS classes are very specific and so I suspect these could change with Keycloak releases. We therefore probably want a robust set of tests to ensure that themes are being applied correctly.
Currently the common.css file has to be copied between theme pages (account, login, etc.). Tried using a symlink but this didn't work.
We will need to ensure that all of the current OFF locales are covered with suitable translations.
[ ] Setup Crowdin yaml and GitHub actions [ ] Ensure language parameter is passed to Keycloak and back to calling app
All of the user editable fields need to be available on the account UI with any necessary validation.
Pick lists can be localized using this kind of structure:
"name": "country",
"displayName": "${country}",
"validations": {
"options": {
"options": [
"annotations": {
"inputType": "select",
"inputOptionLabels": {
"uk": "${united-kingdom}",
"es": "${spain}",
"fr": "${france}"
"permissions": {
"view": [
"edit": [
Fetch the current language and country taxonomies from OFF as part of the release process to populate this.
We will probably stil need to retain User.sto files for now containing data the user doesn't see for compatibility with OPF, OBF and OPFF.
This list would always show each language in its own translation, e.g. "English, Français, 汉语".
The script will read the language.json and for each langauage use the language_code_2 to look up the name. If no name is found in that language then the "en" translation will be used and if that cannot be found then the id of the entry will be used (with the "en:" prefix).
The basic list will simply consist of placeholders for all the entries which will link to translations in a message file.
The script will therefore have to create a message file for each known language and add all countries to that.
Username password authentication is still needed for now, which will use the password grant type (deprecated in OAuth 2.1).
We still also need to provide minimal user forms for the Smoothie mobile app to scrape.
We will need to update OPF, OBF and OPPF branches to use the password grant type for authentication and ensure that all other account activities are delegated to OFF.
We will need an event listener to pick up the user deleted event so that user names can be wiped from contributions. Maybe create a table in the Keycloak database so we can track for other applications too.
The import realm facility on startup will not update an existing realm with any configuration changes.
The script runs an script in the background which waits for keycloak to start and then can run arbitrary updates to realm configuration.
We will need to update the mobile applicaiton to launch the keycloak login and account pages before we can deprecate the password grant type option.
API consumers will need to be set up as Clients in Keycloak. Need to figure out how the sign-up process will work.
This can run in parallel witht the above. Will need more extensive updates to OPF, OBF and OPPF.
Once all apps are going through Keycloak for authentication we can start to support things like Social Login and Passkeys.