openfoodfacts / openfoodfacts-design

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design openfoodfacts

Open Food Facts

Design plan

This is an initial plan to kickstart design at Open Food Facts.

High level plan


Should drive every single decisions when building new products/features. Good brand is much more than a name and a logo. Values should define our unique identity and should makes us stand out from others.



Who is the audience?

  • Consumers
  • Journalists
  • Contributers
  • Catalogue
  • Developers
  • Designers


Why does Open exist? What are its values? How do they help guide the future of the product?

Design principles

What are the basis of Open Food Facts Design? How do we approach design? Help with everyday decisions.

Tone of voice

What's the tono of voice we want to speak to our audience at every moment in their journey in order to help getting wherever they want to go?


What are the standard terms and phrases that need to be kept the same throughout the UX, speeding up the design process and unifying our voice.


In most cases, your logo will be the first brand asset someone sees. Make the right first impression. A distintive logo helps users recognise a product immediately and fives the essence of the branding


Provide guidance on how to approach common UX patterns, achieve consistent UX.

P0 Logo (Done) Usage Provide contextual examples of what to do and not to do with the logo
Small Logo should perform well and should be recognisible at all sizes
Provide tips for using logo in these cases in order to minimise the risk of it being misused.
Placement How should the logo be placed and how can we preserve its space, especially when living along with other content.
Monochromatic Should look good on top of photography
Should look good when printed with a poor quality print
P1 Accessibility Colour hierarchy [insert text here]
Assistive technologies [insert text here]
UX Copy Microcopy How do we write for the components
Platform conventions and brest practices for writing all into consideration.
P2 User Onboarding User Onboarding How do we onboard users to product or new feature, give them great UX from the start
