openforis / sepal

Geographical Data Processing in the Cloud
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the with of the column selection is too small #227

Closed 12rambau closed 1 year ago

12rambau commented 1 year ago

When creating a classification I wanted to use the FREL 2020 results as an input. the raw data are using as column values the real name of the classes i.e. "Grassland", "Cropland" ....

I select the file, I select the column and then I need to select the value for each legend item. I click on the rounded + and then instead of the name I only see the first letter, badly cut (make it difficult to differenciate "C" and "G").

I think the dropdown width is bound to the parent field which is a problem if column name is bigger than 1 character. Would it be possible to free it ?

Capture d’écran 2022-08-22 à 12 34 04
cdanielw commented 1 year ago
