openforis / sepal

Geographical Data Processing in the Cloud
MIT License
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can we update gdal? #258

Closed dfguerrerom closed 1 year ago

dfguerrerom commented 1 year ago

First of all, my apologize for requesting that.

As it was reported in, there are some Sepal Contrib modules that require Numpy array support ( or . The problem: this support is not granted in the current way as we install the virtual enviroments, GDAL requires Numpy to be installed prior its installation, if it doesn't find it, it skips the Numpy Array support, causing the No module gdal_array_ error, and, as we cannot manage the order of the installation it will always fail, no matter how we sort the requirements.txt file.

The good new: there is a patched version that allows set numpy as requirement of gdal installation, it was mentioned here:

Do you think we can move to a gdal>= ?


12rambau commented 1 year ago

😭 not again 😭 That's official I hate GDAL forever.

Let me know when/if it's in prod, I'll need to update all the venvs of the currently running applications

dfguerrerom commented 1 year ago

Some users are still reporting errors in soil moisture app which is relying on GDAL to work: