openforis / sepal

Geographical Data Processing in the Cloud
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the installation of venv process is not deployed on prod #277

Open 12rambau opened 1 year ago

12rambau commented 1 year ago

in it's current implementation, the installation of venv is broken as this PR is not yet included:

@yfinegold, @BuddyVolly, @lecrabe, @dfguerrerom: As the SEPAL course is ongoing, we should not make new releases just now so let me know if specific applications are broken so that we perform specific workarounds.

12rambau commented 1 year ago

ipywidgets need to be forced as well (if not, module will not be found)

I need to check the earthengine-api issue, it's still installing 0.1.350

dfguerrerom commented 1 year ago

what do you mean with forced? forced in requirements?

12rambau commented 1 year ago

yep, pin the version of ipywidgets to be the same as the one in the jupyter server. There will be no issue with voila as it's 100% relying on the venv to render the widgets