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Geographical Data Processing in the Cloud
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Jupyter lab 4 (on sepal jellyfish) breaks ipyleaflet traits #304

Closed dfguerrerom closed 7 months ago

dfguerrerom commented 9 months ago

As it was reported initially on:, some ipyleaflet traits are broken with jupyter lab 4... this will cause some of the tools developed with this python package to experience unexpected behaviors, such as not updating bounds or modifying the map zoom levels. I post it here just to keep track of the development of one solution.

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12rambau commented 8 months ago

while this is worked on from ipyleaflet side, do you think it would be possible to pin the Jupyterlab version here:

dfguerrerom commented 8 months ago

This is something we have considered, but we have first to test if Jupyterlab<4 works well with ipywidgets, voila, and ipyvuetify

dfguerrerom commented 7 months ago

Until ipyleaflet for jupyterlab 4 is updated, we'll use @cdanielw fork: with the fix.