openforis / sepal

Geographical Data Processing in the Cloud
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force install the custom version of ipyleaflet #308

Closed 12rambau closed 7 months ago

12rambau commented 7 months ago

As mentioned in, we cannot change the version of ipyleaflet used in sepal_ui to a branch. on the other hand it's perfectly possible to force intall it from here as we do for earthengine.

As long tas the applications are still using a loose pin on ipylaflet (which shoould be the case) it will work.

Mentioning @dfguerrerom for the follow-up

dfguerrerom commented 7 months ago

@12rambau can you change your PR to jellyfish branch?

12rambau commented 7 months ago


dfguerrerom commented 7 months ago

I would put this PR on hold until we decide tomorrow if it's better to use the wheel (too speed up the build) or the repo.

@12rambau: btw, I think the branch change has created some conflicts.

dfguerrerom commented 7 months ago

no longer needed, check