opengapps / opengapps-app-support

issuetracker and translations for the Open GApps App
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
60 stars 57 forks source link

Open GApps App

Get the Open GApps app in the Play Store or directly from

If you experience any issue with an Open GApps package or installation you should NOT be here. Support for the Open GApps packages can be found in the support section

Report an issue with the Open GApps app

If you have any issue with the Open GApps app, you can report it in our issue tracker. Please first search if your bug has not already been reported yet, to prevent duplicate issues.

Help to translate the Open GApps app

You can help to translate the Open GApps app! Feel free to fork and give us a pull request with your translation! It is easiest to make a translation using the Android Studio translation tool, or with your favorite XML-text editor. Don't forget to add yourself to the translators string of AUTHORS at the top of the file. Translations are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).