opengbu / gbuonline

GBU Online
5 stars 6 forks source link
bootstrap cms-framework codeigniter3 css3 javascript php

GBU Online

This is an internal website of Gautam Buddha University.

Main Features

Env setup and deployment

Docker setup

This project relies on legacy tech stack, we have dockerized it for easier setup.

To begine with you need to have docker installed, example:

# build and start/restart the container:
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate

# or do the same in background
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate -d

# stop the container
docker-compose down

Container will restart on system reboot until you stop it manually.

Application should be up at localhost:8080.

Database info

First time container starts, it will create database in ./db and will persist after container stops/restarts. Database is bootstrapped on first start.


PMA creds are present in ./db/mysql/pma_creds

Mail setup

For emails, some cloud hosts do not allow outgoing mails. We have to use smtp relay like sendinblue instead.

After, first time container starts, it creates ./db/.msmtprc, modify it with your details without changing permissions.

Auto scheduled deploys

Following cron re-deploys code daily at 12 am:

$ crontab -e
# code sync
0 0 * * * bash -lc gbuonline/deploy/docker-sync 1>&2