opengeospatial / CRS-Deformation-Models

CRS Domain Working Group Deformation Models project
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This repository holds the artefacts and workings of the "Functional Model for Crustal Deformation" (FMCD) project team established by the CRS DWG at the Montreal virtual meeting on 15 June 2020.

Note: This project was previously referred to as the "Deformation Model Functional Model" (DMFM).

This work is conducted by the OGC CRS Standards Working Group (SWG) on Deformation model functional model.

This work is closely aligned with the work of the GGXF (Geodetic Gridded data exchange format) team.

This work has culminated in the OGC Abstract Specification Topic 24 – Functional Model for Crustal Deformation ( the current version is maintained on the OGC Abstract specification page)

Active discussions

If there are any pending updates to the specification they will be available in this github repository as a PDF document.

To comment on this document please raise a github issue. (Note: this requires you to have or create a github login).

The asciidoc source code for the abstract specification is in the products/specification folder. The github issue log also contain a body of discussion.

In the early stages of this project the team undertook a survey of deformation models either planned or in use. Responses can be viewed at in a Google spreadsheet.

Project overview

The purpose of this team is to define the functional model(s), methods and workflows for computing coordinate offsets resulting from seismic and certain geodynamic and anthropogenic processes. This work will be used to support developing a standard for the functional model for deformation model.

The motivation for this work is to support unambiguous and timely communication of deformation models from producers, typically national geodetic agencies, to the geospatial and positioning communities that require them.
This is becoming increasingly critical as our dependence on global positioning systems and our requirements for accurate positioning increase.

The terms of reference for this project team proposes the following steps for this work.

The work will be conducted under the auspices of the OGC CRS DWG in close collaboration with the CRS DWG project team developing the "Gridded Geodetic Exchange Format (GGXF)" and with IAG (International Association of Geodesy) WG 1.3.1 on "Time-dependent transformations between reference frames in deforming regions".


This is a public repository - everything is visible to anyone coming to this website. If you wish to be an active contributor with write access then you will need join github if you haven't already. Once you are signed on to github please raise a new issue with a request to be added. If you would like to be included on the Project Team page then include a brief biography and a photo. This is not required - be aware that everything on the page is visible to the public - but it is good to have faces for names!

Also once you have a github id you are encouraged to click the "Watch" button at the top of this page so that you will be notified of postings in the issues log. Ideally we can capture most of the discussion in the issue logs where they will be recorded and easily searchable. We will create an issue for each major discussion topic.