opengeospatial / GeoPose

OGC GeoPose development.
Apache License 2.0
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Clarifying the types of Frame transformations (and "authorities"?) #64

Open MikelSalazar opened 1 year ago

MikelSalazar commented 1 year ago

While I understand that we have to offer an open system to enable others to easily translate their frames in GeoPose, not having a proper list of frame transformations that we can use, makes it very difficult to implement the Advanced system.

Since all that these system produce at the end of the day is a position in 3D space (and two additional vectors for fordward an up vectors), could we not specify in the standard the types of frames that we need to implement (with the parameters that we need to include)? At the end of the day, we are doing something very similar for the orientations (Angles, Quaterions, YawPitchRoll, etc.)