opengeospatial / GeoPose

OGC GeoPose development.
Apache License 2.0
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Geopose as Observation Result #81

Open rob-metalinkage opened 1 year ago

rob-metalinkage commented 1 year ago

There are a few problems  trying to attach a Geopose to a GeoJSON feature either directly as a property, or using an Observation to reference a feature...

my actual use case is using a geopose as the "result" of an "Observation" from a feature with a known point.  In this case the set of points form a geometric network described using topology, where other observations and calculations are used to determine position of individual vertices using the geoPose angles and a distance measurement, and one or more reference points. (e.g. least squares adjustment on a survey traverse")

IMHO "position" should be optional in the schema to support this conceptually.

Secondly, the lat/lon/h pattern for coordinates differs from the GeoJSON form adopted for OGC API features, and I wouldnt want two different syntaxes co-existing (not going to argue which is superior here - they are other options as well no doubt). Solved by making position optional.

Thirdly, geopose can conceptually be used in derivative 2D context - so making h required seems over strict. In the same vein pitch and roll coudl be optional allowing a degenerate simple bearing option of a geopose.

Would still like to be able to use geopose - because it means we can use the same schema and conceptual model to move from 2D to 3D applications without change - just changing some profile restrictions to make h and pitch required...

Could my hacked, lenient YPR schema could be registered as a implementation of GeoPose ?