openjck / git-fzf

Interactive versions of built-in Git commands using fzf
MIT License
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git-fzf provides interactive versions of built-in Git commands using fzf.


Run pip install git-fzf


git iadd
Interactively choose one or more files to add
git icommit
Interactively choose one or more staged or unstaged files to commit
git idiff
Interactively choose one or more files to diff. Provide the --staged or --cached flag to choose from staged files.
git idifftool
Interactively choose one or more files to diff with the difftool. Provide the --staged or --cached flag to choose from staged files.
git ireset
Interactively choose one or more files to reset
git irestore
Interactively choose one or more files to restore
git iswitch
Interactively choose a branch to switch to. Provide the -r or --remotes flag to choose from remote branches.

Similar projects

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Most of the time, I personally prefer the more minimal user interface that this project provides. Still, would I have started this project if I had known about these alternatives at the time?
