This repositiory has been updated:
(1) The debug system has been changed to functions:
dP(x) will print uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, char*. char, and F() strings, e.g. dP( (uint32_t)value );
dPH(x) will print uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t in HEX, e.g. dPH( (uint32_t)value )
dP(s,x) will print the string s and the value of x, e.g. dPS("The value of x is ", x);
(2) GCSerial: This will mock a CAN connection by converting OpenLCB messages to Gridconnect format and sending them via the serial connection, usually USB.
(3) Added PicoCan
(4) Added mock CAN via Wifi for Esp32 and PicoW This automatically will connect to a OpenLCB/LCC hub named openlcb-can, such as the JMRI one. For the ESP32, it will open an AP to obtain the local network.
This repository is an implementation of the OpenLCB protocols, which is used by model railroads as a local control bus (LCB). OpenLCB uses the Consumer-Producer model which uses 'Events' to convey information from one node to another. OpenLCB has 'Datagrams' and 'Streams' for larger data transfer. In addition, it has messages for announcing nodes and their events, and other system messages. See: OpenLCB nodes are described by XML, called the CDI, which is held in the node and retrieved by tools, such as JMRI.
It is refresh of the original Arduino code base, developed by Dr. Bob Jacobsen. It uses a single-threaded model, with an initialization step and a endless loop to do the processing. These are the familiar setup() and loop() of the Arduino IDE. Much of the standard processing for OpenLCB protocols is handled by 'systems' code. This includes obtaining and managing an node Alias, receiving and vetting eventids, scheduling and sending eventids, CDI, configuration, Datagram management, etc.
The original codebase has been modified to make it easier for the developer to match a project's CDI xml to its internal memory structure, by making the two have parallel structures. In addition, eventid searching uses a sorted table index and a binary search. (David Harris and Alex Shepherd)
In addition, individual nodes can be connected directly to a PC via USB allowing the use of JMRI and other software to program and trial them. This is demoed in the example sketches.
Using a specific platform requires downloading of the appropriate compiler support.
A platform can automagically selected in the processor.h file, allowing the same sketch to be used on multiple platforms.
-- Platform specific items are included in the processor.h file.
-- Platform specific CAN lins are included by the processCAN.h file
NB: support for Nucleo boards is pending.
e.g.: This CDI/xml, which self-describes a node to the system, having 8 channels with a pair of eventids each:
<group replication='8'>
parallels this program structure:
typedef struct {
struct {
EventID event0;
EventID event1;
} channels[8];
} MemStruct;
In addition, EIDtab[] is constructed with offsets to every eventid in EEPROM, and its type: producer, consumer, or both.
// ===== eventid Table =====
// Array of the offsets to every eventID in MemStruct/EEPROM/mem, and P/C flags
// -- each eventid needs to be identified as a consumer, a producer or both.
// -- PEID = Producer-EID, CEID = Consumer, and PC = Producer/Consumer
// -- note matching references to MemStruct.
const EIDTab eidtab[NUM_EVENT] PROGMEM = {
PEID(channels[0].event0), PEID(channels[0].event1), // 1st channel - input, ie producer
PEID(channels[1].event0), PEID(channels[1].event1), // 2nd channel - input, ie producer
PEID(channels[2].event0), PEID(channels[2].event1), // 3rd channel - input, ie producer
PEID(channels[3].event0), PEID(channels[3].event1), // 4th channel - input, ie producer
CEID(channels[4].event0), CEID(channels[4].event1), // 5th channel - output, ie consumer
CEID(channels[5].event0), CEID(channels[5].event1), // 6th channel - output, ie consumer
CEID(channels[6].event0), CEID(channels[6].event1), // 7th channel - output, ie consumer
CEID(channels[7].event0), CEID(channels[7].event1), // 8th channel - output, ie consumer
In this case, the first four pairs of eventids are producers, and the remaining are consumers. The type is used by internal processing to allow eventids produced by this node to be scheduled and sent, and to indentify received-eventids as being consumed by this node, and therefore passed to the application code.
The underlying code handles most system needs, such as start-up and message receiving and transmission over the bus. The Flash/EEPROM contains node information that needs to be maintained across sessions. However, access to EEPROM is relatively slow, so some of its information is copied to RAM to speed-up processing of eventids.
Therfore, Eventids are read from eeprom into event[], and their location in EEPROM is held in EIDtab[], see above.
The eventids are effectively sorted into numerical indirectly by using a index called eventIndex[]. Binary search on eventIndex[] is then used to quickly match received-eventids to their entries in event[]. eventIndex[] indexes both event[] and EIDtab entries, which remain in their original order. Diagrammatically:
This trades memory space for speed of processing.
Flash/EEPROM is laid out in accordance with Memstruct, which matches the CDI xml, see above. The Flash/EEPROM contains both fixed information, such as the nodeID, and updatable infromation, such as eventids and user descriptions.
events[] holds a copy of the node's eventids copied from EEPROM.
EIDtab[] holds the offsets to the eventids in Flash/EEPROM, this is built using Memstruct to calculate the eventid-offsets at compile-time.
eventIndex[] indexes into to event[] and EIDtab[] in ascending sorted order.
OpenLCB/LCC is a set of heirarchical protocols to let nodes talk to each other.
For more information on OpenLCB, see:
For protocol descriptions, see: Adopted LCC Documents
These protocols consist of:
The 'codebase' is a set of libraries and functions that implement the basic protocols of OpenLCB/LCC.
Each protocol has corresponding code, usually in the form of a class, and implemented as a pair of .h and .cpp files.
The codebase tries to hide some of the complexity in #include files.
However, each protocol needs to have:
For example there are some selected lines of code from the OlcbBasicNode example used for initialization:
NodeID nodeid(5,1,1,1,3,255); // This node's default ID; must be valid
const char SNII_const_data[] PROGMEM = "\001OpenLCB\000DPHOlcbBasicNode\0001.0\000" OlcbCommonVersion ;
uint8_t protocolIdentValue[6] = {0xD7,0x58,0x00,0,0,0};
ButtonLed* buttons[] = { &pA,&pA,&pB,&pB,&pC,&pC,&pD,&pD };
Most of the processing is hidden as functions in the #include files, specifically OpenLcbCore.h, OpenLCBHeader.h and OpenLCBMid.h.
The programmer of the Application must: