openlists / ElectrophysiologyData

A list of openly available datasets in (mostly human) electrophysiology.
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Open Datasets in Electrophysiology

This is a list of openly available electrophysiological data, including EEG, MEG, ECoG/iEEG, and LFP data.

Datasets and resources listed here should all be openly-accessible for research purposes, requiring, at most, registration for access. Be sure to check the license and/or usage agreements for any datasets you access.

To contribute a new link to a data source or resource, open an issue mentioning it, or a pull request with a link.

Table of Contents

Data Formats

The datasets listed here are not guaranteed to be in any particular format. Whenever possible, using standardized data formats can help make datasets more inter-operable.

Standardized data formats for neurophysiological data include:


There are several repositories, journals, and search engines that can be checked and searched for relevant datasets.

Neuroscience Specific Data Repositories

General Purpose Data Repositories

There are a few general purpose repositories that you can search for data:

Data Journals

There are journals that specifically describe openly available datasets, and/or mandate that data be openly released, including:

Data Search Engines

Google has a dataset search tool that can be used to search for datasets.

EEG Data

Openly available electroencephalography (EEG) datasets and large-scale projects with EEG data.

ChildMind Institute

The ChildMind Institute is a non-profit that, amongst other things, is involved in large-scale research projects that release large datasets.

HBN - Healthy Brain Networks

A large project including rest and task EEG data across a large adult cohort (n=~1000).

Home Page - Data Portal - Paper

MIPDB - Multimodal Resource for Studying Information Processing in the Developing Brain

A project including rest and task EEG data across a young cohort, ages 6-44 (n=126).

Home Page - Data Portal - Paper


Physionet is an archive of physiology data, and includes some EEG data under the 'neuroelectric' tag.

Home Page - Data Portal - Paper

Available datasets include:

PREDICT - Patient Repository for EEG Data + Computational Tools

PREDICT is a repository for EEG data, focused on patient data (collected in research settings).

Home Page - Data Portal - Paper

TUH - Temple University Hospital Corpus

A large collection of EEG recorded in clinical settings (hospital data).

Home Page - Data Portal - Paper

The TUH includes multiple (described here), including:


EEGbase is a database for electrophysiological data.

Home Page - Paper

Note: you need to register, and the website has a 'Add to Cart' & 'Complete Order' workflow, but the datasets are free.

Available datasets include:

Brain Clinics - TDBrain Dataset

The TDBrain dataset is a dataset of EEG data for 1200 subjects.

Homepage - Paper

NITRC - Neuroimaging Tools & Resource Collaboratory

NITRC is a general purpose repository community board for neuroimaging tools, resources, and datasets. It is generally more focused on tools than datasets, but it does contain some available EEG datasets.

Home Page - Paper

Available datasets include:


ERP-CORE (Compendium of Open Resources and Experiments) is a resource with experiment paradigms and scripts, example data & example processing scripts for ERPs, including the N170, mismatch negativity (MMN), N2pc, N400, P300, lateralized readiness potential (LRP), and error-related negativity (ERN).

Data - Paper

BNCI Horizon 2020

A collection of BCI related EEG datasets.

Home Page

MASS - Montreal Archive of Sleep Studies

MASS is a collection of whole night sleep recordings from approximately 200 participants, from hospital based sleep laboratories.

Home Page - Data Portal - Paper

NSRR - National Sleep Research Resource

NSRR is a resource offering large collections of physiological signals, including polysomnography recordings with EEG from research studies and clinical collections.

Home Page - Data Portal - Paper

The Cuban Human Brain Mapping Project

The CHBMP is an open dataset from 282 young and middle age healthy participants, including resting state EEG, and during hyperventilation.

Data - Paper

LEMON - Leipzig Study for Mind-Body-Emotion Interactions

A large multimodal dataset (n=228), with cross-sectional sampling of young and old participants, and including MRI, EEG, physiological, clinical and cognitive measures.

Homepage - Data - Paper

PEERS - The PENN Electrophysiology of Encoding and Retrieval Study

A large dataset of EEG data (n>300), covering 5 experiments in which subjects perform memory tasks, encoding and retrieving stimuli.

Homepage - Data - Paper

Lab-Specific Data Collections

The following labs are collections of datasets from particular labs:

Individual EEG Datasets - Research Tasks (Research Systems)

The following are datasets collected with research EEG systems:

Individual EEG Datasets - Research Tasks (Consumer Systems)

The following are available EEG datasets collected with consumer EEG systems:

Individual EEG Datasets - Clinical Recordings

The following are available EEG datasets collected in the context of clinical recordings / disease states:

Other lists of EEG Data

There are some other lists of available EEG data, including:

MEG Data

Openly available magnetoencephalography (MEG) datasets and large-scale projects with MEG data.

OMEGA - Open MEG Archive

OMEGA is a open-access repository for MEG data, in which individual researchers can deposit their data.

Home Page - Paper

HCP - Human Connectome Project

The Human-Connectome Project is a large, multi-site project, mostly focused on MRI, that also includes a subset of MEG data.

Home Page

CAMCAN - Cambridge Center for Ageing Neuroscience

CAMCAN includes task & rest MEG data from a large cohort, balanced in age from age 18-88 (n=652).

Home Page

Individual MEG Datasets

The following are openly available datasets with MEG data:

Human Intracranial Data

This section contains intracranial EEG (iEEG) data from humans participants (collected in clinical contexts), including electrocorticography (ECoG) and stereo-EEG (sEEG) recordings, as well as any available human single unit data.

MNI Open iEEG Atlas

The MNI Open iEEG atlas is a multi-center repository of curated iEEG data, including resting state (n=106) and sleep (n=91) data.

Home Page - Paper (rest data) - Paper (sleep data) is an NIH supported repository of intracranial EEG data.

Home Page

University of Pennsylvania Computational Memory Lab

The cognitive electrophysiology data portal has a list of publications that have available electrophysiological data.

Home Page

The 'Restoring Active Memory' project is coordinate collection of ECoG data, with memory tasks (n=251).

Home Page

Kai Miller's Collection of ECoG Data

A collection of ECoG recordings, including 204 sessions from across 16 different tasks (n=34).

Home Page - Paper

Individual iEEG Datasets - Research Recordings

The following are openly available datasets with human intracranial data:

Individual iEEG Datasets - Clinical Recordings

The following are openly available datasets that contain seizures and/or are annotated for epilepsy:

Human Single Unit Data

Available datasets with single unit data from humans:

Animal Data

Openly available animal datasets with electrophysiological recordings collected from animal models, including local field potential (LFP) and/or single-unit activity collected from single-electrodes, multi-electrode arrays, animal ECoG, or similar recordings.


NeuroTycho is as collection of mostly monkey ECoG data.

Home Page

Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS)

A collection of data, including extra-cellular recordings, and some ECoG & iEEG, from various species.

Home Page - Data Portal - Paper

Lab-Specific Data Collections

The following labs are collections of datasets from particular labs:

Individual Datasets

The following are available individual LFP and related datasets:

Behavioral Data

This list does not currently track behaviour-only data.

See this list of available behavioral data.