Trello-changelog summarizes your Trello-board. It uses your done list to make a changelog of your Trello-board, which includes a count of new tickets, done tickets, archived tickets and a summarization of bugs, features etc... It's possible to use your own Trello labels.
Example output:
Install the gem:
gem install trello-changelog
There are two options:
module Variables
DEVKEY = 'abcde'
MEM_TOKEN = 'abcde'
BOARD = '1a2b3b4'
LABELS = %w(
trello-changelog print --devkey=abc --mem_token=def --board=ghi --done_list_name=jkl --labels=foo bar
If you want to summarize this week (6 days back, we use this gem on a friday by default):
trello-changelog print
If you want to summarize since a certain date:
trello-changelog print --start_date=2015-02-20
Run and copy to pasteboard (OS X):
trello-changelog print | pbcopy
Bug reports, feature requests and test implementations are more than welcome. Please use our Github account for this.