openobserve / o2_report_server

OpenObserve Report Server
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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O2 Report Server

To setup reports ZO_REPORT_USER_EMAIL, ZO_REPORT_USER_PASSWORD must be specified.
Following are the ENVs related to chrome and SMTP. * means required -


ENV Description
`ZO_CHROME_PATH` If chrome is enabled, custom `chrome` executable path can be specified. If not specified, it looks for chrome executable in default locations. If still not found, it automatically downloads a good known version of `chromium`.
`ZO_CHROME_CHECK_DEFAULT_PATH` If `false`, it does not look for chromium in default locations (e.g. `CHROME` env, usual chrome file path etc.), Default is `true`.
`ZO_CHROME_DOWNLOAD_PATH` If chromium can not be found in default locations and also `ZO_CHROME_PATH` is not specified, it downloads the system specific chromium in the given path. Default is `./data/download` (gitignored). `chromium` is downloaded for the first time only, afterwords, `chromium` is fetched from the given path. If there is any error regarding download of `chromium`, delete the download folder as it might be in a bad state.
`ZO_CHROME_NO_SANDBOX` If `true`, it launches chromium in `no-sandbox` environment. Default is `false`
`ZO_CHROME_SLEEP_SECS` Specify the number of timeout in seconds the headless chrome will wait until all the dashboard data is loaded. Default is `20` seconds.
`ZO_CHROME_WINDOW_WIDTH` Specifies the width of the headless chromium browser. Default is `1370`
`ZO_CHROME_WINDOW_HEIGHT` Specifies the height of the headless chromium browser. Default is `730`
`ZO_SMTP_HOST`* The SMTP Host. Default - `localhost`
`ZO_SMTP_PORT`* SMTP port. Default - `25`
`ZO_SMTP_USER_NAME`* SMTP user name.
`ZO_SMTP_PASSWORD`* SMTP user password.
`ZO_SMTP_REPLY_TO` The user email whom people can reply to. Not being used yet.
`ZO_SMTP_FROM_EMAIL`* The user email that is going to send the email.
`ZO_SMTP_ENCRYPTION` SMTP encryption method. Possible values - `starttls` and `ssltls` or can be ignored in case of `localhost:25`

Example ENV setup

ZO_REPORT_USER_PASSWORD = "Complexpass#123"

ZO_SMTP_PORT = 465 # Or 587
ZO_SMTP_PASSWORD = "somepassword"
ZO_SMTP_ENCRYPTION = "ssltls" # Or "starttls"

# Chrome

# Set the chromium path
# ZO_CHROME_PATH = ".\download\win64-1045629\chrome-win\chrome.exe"

# It will automatically download system specific chromium in the `./download` folder.


On the OpenObserve part, you need to include the below ENVs -

ZO_WEB_URL = "http://localhost:5080"
ZO_REPORT_SERVER_URL = http://localhost:5090
# And if ZO_BASE_URI is present, then that also must be specified
# ZO_BASE_URI = "/abc"

Note: If you don’t specify ZO_CHROME_CHECK_DEFAULT_PATH ENV, then before downloading chromium, it will look for chromium in default locations -

  1. Check the CHROME env
  2. Check usual chrome file names in user path
  3. (Windows) Registry
  4. (Windows & MacOS) Usual installations paths

So turning this ENV off forces the application to download the chromium at the specified path. Some caveats of the auto download feature -