openoereb / pyramid_oereb

pyramid_oereb is an open-source implementation of the server side part for the Swiss "Cadastre of Public-law Restrictions on landownership" (PLR-cadastre).
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=============================== pyramid_oereb (ÖREB-Server)

Project description

pyramid_oereb is an open-source implementation of the server side part for the swiss "Cadastre of Public-law Restrictions on landownership" (PLR-cadastre) <>__.

It is written in Python and designed as a plugin for the Pyramid Web Framework <>__. This allows pyramid_oereb to be included in any Pyramid web application.

Please refer to the documentation <>__ for detailed information and instructions for installation and configuration.

If you are interested in contributing or extending the project, take a look at the contribution page <>__.

Starting the development server

. Build run the initial build depending on your OS:

. docker compose up

Running docker compose up will start the DB (it will automatically import the test/dev data on startup) and start a running instance of the pyramid_oereb DEV server connected to the DB. The project folder is mounted to it. So changes take effect.

The sample static extract should then be available at http://localhost:6543/oereb/extract/json?EGRID=CH113928077734

Running the tests

To run the tests locally:

The docker way:

For systems having a local make tool, the following recipe can be used: make docker-tests

sometimes the local postgres port is already in use, and you must override it: EXPOSED_PGPORT=5433 make docker-tests

Local tests:

For local tests without the complete docker composition you need a running DB. You can create one based on the oereb image: docker compose up -d oereb-db

or create an empty postgis DB docker run -p 5555:5432 --name pg_oereb --rm -it -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pw postgis/postgis

Then you can run the tests easily: make tests

If the DB does not use standard credentials, you can set them as ENV vars: PGPORT=5555 PGPASSWORD=pw make tests

To run one specfic test:

.. code-block:: bash

docker compose exec oereb-server PYTEST_OPTS="-k " make tests


Some local files may remain from previous builds, and the regular user may not be able to delete them. In this case cleanup can be done like:

.. code-block:: bash

docker compose run --rm oereb-make clean-all

Useful make targets

Run the make targets found in the Makefile either in the oereb-server container (if using docker compose) or in your local shell (if running the server locally). Some useful targets:

If necessary the application is re-installed and the database is filled when running make serve-dev again.

There are further make targets to check the validity of federal data:

Using MapFish-Print

To be able to test the OEREB static extract (pdf), you need to run pyramid_oereb with docker compose and to have a running instance of pyramid_oereb_mfp <>__. The Docker network print-network is also required and can be created with:

.. code-block:: bash

docker network create print-network

It is also possible to launch a Mapfish Print service on a local URL (via Docker or not) and then run the server via make serve. The correct print url must be provided:

.. code-block:: bash

PRINT_URL="http://localhost:8680/print/oereb" EXPOSED_PGPORT=5433 PGPORT=5433 make serve-dev

The sample static extract should then be available at http://localhost:6543/oereb/extract/pdf?EGRID=CH113928077734

CI Status

CI status on master branch:

.. image:: :alt: Master CI status :target:

Daily check status:

.. image:: :alt: Daily check status :target:

Code Quality Status:

.. image:: :alt: Codacy Badge :target: